Bella, the Russian girl who with only four years speaks seven languages

At her young age, little Bella Devyatkina has left everyone with her mouth open. And is that this four year old Russian prodigy is able to speak seven languages: in addition to Russian, English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic.

The girl participated in the weekend as a contestant on 'Amazing People', a Russian television talent show and demonstrated the ability to hold conversations with people who speak all seven languages ​​natively. Each one was posing challenges that the girl masterfully solved.

As the parents revealed in an interview in the Moscow newspaper Metro, since she was born they talked to the girl in Russian and English. At 10 months they hired a French nanny and when the girl was one year old she already showed great ease for languages ​​and they were adding caregivers who related to her in Arabic, Spanish, German and Chinese.


The study of languages ​​requires a lot of study time, but the lessons are designed so that the girl can combine them naturally with day-to-day activities and that does not mean excessive work for her.

At the moment, they don't intend to start teaching her other languages, but Bella has met some Italian children and has already shown interest in learning this language as well.

Child prodigies

It is obvious that Bella has all the features of a gifted girl. These children demonstrate great curiosity, creativity and have great ease and speed to learn, as well as excellent memory.

For their part, children have their greatest capacity for learning from an early age. By introducing a second language in the first years of a child's life, his will and learning capacity are maximized. Bilingual children, as in this case, are more flexible to learn, since they develop skills such as better attention and greater memory, as well as being more communicative.

Video: Meet Bella The 4 Year Old Polyglot. Little Big Shots Australia (July 2024).