Never turn your back on the baby: he managed to turn around and his 9-year-old brother took him on the flight

Domestic accidents are a major cause of injuries in children, and in some cases even death. In most cases they can be prevented, so as parents responsible for the care of our children we have to take this into account.

One of the most typical injuries is head trauma, what we know as a blow to the head, and it often happens when we leave them for a moment in the changing table or in bed to catch something and turn around.

That is why in the title of this news we include this phrase: "Never turn your back on the baby"Never. Because when we don't see them, they do everything they look at, they don't. This baby in the video managed to turn on the changer while his mother didn't look at him and his 9-year-old brother saved him from a dangerous fall.

They don't know how to turn until they know

In the consultation we have a stretcher where parents undress their children to be able to do health checks. Sometimes they trust and leave them a moment without supervision to take a diaper or similar and I, from my table, feel all the hairs of my body bristling with the fear that that moment gives me. Then I tell you not to do it, just in case put the baby in cross (with the feet facing the side of the stretcher), because that way, if it turns, there is no risk.

And then I add that "Babies don't know how to turn until they know how to turn". A good day they try, it comes out, and they don't let you know. Because they could say that of "Mom, I know how to turn ... from now on, be very careful," but they don't.

His 9-year-old brother saved him

As we read in DailyMail, Tila Levi, a Florida-based mom, was with her five children and the dog at home trying to put them to sleep. At the time recorded in the video, we see her with her 11-month-old and 9-year-old children and the dog, when she left the baby for a moment in the changing table.

When he was left unattended, the baby tried to get out of there (eleven months is a very high age to leave him alone, but I imagine that he had never done anything to leave and she trusted) and his brother, Joseph, ran to catch him.

As he explained himself, he had never held him in his arms and had never run so much, so something pushed him to launch himself in his search and save him (no doubt, fear of something happening to him).

The mother explained that she was very happy that everything was in a scare and added that it seems a lie, but life can change us in just a second.

So you know: never turn your back on them, because they have the ability to do, when we are not there, everything we don't imagine that they are capable of doing. Do you know Toy Story dolls, which come alive when we don't see them? Well, babies have a very similar behavior ... they test their abilities and body limits when they think they have a mission, when they think they should do it: "Dad has left me here in bed and turned around, I think it's a good time to get off myself, because I get the feeling that he doesn't listen to me anymore. "

Video: When Cop Notices The Girl He Sees Every Day Is Missing, His Instinct Tells Him To Rush Inside (July 2024).