How to prepare the baby for a massage session

Children's massage provides great benefits. Among other things, it favors the growth and development of the baby, relieves discomfort, relaxes, but above all it is a moment of communication and contact between the mother and the baby, or between the father and the baby.

We will give you some tips to keep in mind about how to prepare the baby for a massage session. The first thing will be to choose the best time of day, such as after bathing, before sleeping or when waking up.

Steps to follow before starting the massage session

  • Choose a quiet environment with a temperate temperature without drafts. If you want you can play relaxing music.
  • Choose a flat surface and place a towel on top to lay the baby. It can also be on the bed, the changing table, but try keep an eye on him at all times.
  • Have what you need at your fingertips so as not to leave the child unattended for a moment. That is, cream or massage oil.
  • Place the naked or diaper baby on top of the towel.
  • Take off rings, bracelets or watches that could harm you.
  • Try to keep your hands warm so you don't feel cold on contact.
  • Before you start the massages, even if you don't understand or respond, invite him to start the massage session. It is very important that the child is willing, of course it is not necessary to force it. It must be a pleasant moment and not become a moment of no relaxation. There are children who do not like massages, or that day and at that time we have chosen may not be eager to be touched.
  • If you notice willing and happy, start the massage, always starting with the face, hands or feet and gradually continue with the rest of the body.
  • Here you can find some infant massage techniques, and also here.
  • You have to be attentive throughout the session that the baby is comfortable, at signs that tell you if he is enjoying or is uncomfortable and should be left for another time.

Video: Baby Spa Perth Is Making Waves In The Massage Market. CNBC (July 2024).