Huggies launches a mini diaper for extreme premature babies weighing less than 900 grams

Every year 15 million premature babies are born in the world, which means that one in ten births occur before the 37th week of gestation (between week 37 and 42 it is considered a term pregnancy).

Getting clothes and diapers for babies so small is not easy, especially when we talk about extreme premature babies born between weeks 22 and 28. Huggies It is the first brand that has developed a mini diaper for extreme premature babies weighing less than 900 grams.

The Little Snugglers Nano Preemie line was created in collaboration with neonatal nurses Intensive care units (NICU) and neonatal therapists and designed to protect the especially delicate skin of premature babies.

The diaper features soft bras and a narrow absorbent pad, to provide a flexible fit so that the baby can feel comfortable when placed in a fetal position, with arms and legs attached to the body. It also has adjustments for tiny legs that prevent leaks.

Though Extreme premature babies represent 1.4 percent of premature births, the mini diaper comes to complete the range of diapers that the brand has created to meet the needs of premature babies at all stages.

Fortunately, thanks to the increasingly premature medical advances, they get ahead with minimal sequelae or none of them, and while gaining weight it is important improve your quality of life in all aspects to these little great heroes who came into the world too soon.