A restaurant in California says its "Maternity Salad" helps induce labor

When we are in the last weeks of pregnancy, many women feel desperate because besides that we already want to meet our baby, the belly is quite large and heavy.

Sure we have all read about the different activities, foods or infusions that supposedly help to induce labor in a natural way, from having sex, drinking infusions, drinking chocolate or resorting to acupuncture.

Now, A restaurant in California says its "Maternity Salad" or "Maternity Salad" helps induce labor in women who eat it. What started as a rumor has now become a nationwide sensation in the United States.

A shared publication of Stephanie Pressman (@stephpressman) on Mar 1, 2017 at 2:57 PST

A shared post by Nila Hollingsworth (@nilababy) on Jun 26, 2016 at 3:01 p.m. PDT

The restaurant "Caioti Pizza Cafe", in Los Angeles, is the place where pregnant women go to eat their salad in the hope that it induces their delivery. According to owner Carrie LaDou, they have been offering the salad for almost 30 years to pregnant women who have already passed their due date.

In an interview for Today, Carrie LaDou states that her salad is very popular. "It has been 28 years of this. Pregnant women come every day, between five and 20 a day. All have passed their estimated due date and want their baby to leave now."

A shared post by Sharzad Kiadeh Lahalih (@sharzadkiadeh) on Nov 2, 2016 at 11:01 p.m. PDT

A shared post by Josefin Adler (@adlerjosefin) on Dec 10, 2016 at 7:36 AM PST

According to the people who visit the restaurant, It is believed that what helps induce labor itself is balsamic vinaigrette dressing And not the salad as such. Although the owner says that the dressing ingredients are a family secret, she shares that the salad has romaine lettuce, watercress, nuts and pasteurized gorgonzola cheese.

LaDou thinks that the popularity of her salad is due to the generations of women and gynecologists who recommend it to pregnant women who have already passed their due date and are desperate for their baby to be born. He even comments that She was recommended by her gynecologist, not knowing that she was the owner of the restaurant.

On Instagram we can see that the salad is quite popular and that there are indeed many pregnant women who come to the restaurant, desperate because the birth date has arrived and their babies are not yet born.

A shared publication by Marc C. (@marccazz) on Nov 29, 2016 at 7:33 PST

A shared publication of B E C K Y J E N N I N G S (@becky_jennings) on Mar 5, 2017 at 4:34 PST

Most obviously take it with a sense of humor, because despite the fact that they have passed the due date, by that time many are willing to try anything, even if it sounds ridiculous, as long as it helps them induce the Birth.

But the issue of salad is not just that pregnant women go and consume it. Many of them return as their babies were born and the names of the children are added to a blackboard where every month they write down the babies that were born "thanks to the salad".

The salad has gained so much popularity, that even women across the country are ordering orders for dressing bottles, which is said to contain olive oil, balsamic vinegar and dehydrated tomatoes, among other herbs and spices, to prepare the salad at home.

Will the salad really work? I think we could not know. But without a doubt, with the help of all pregnant women who claim to have gone into labor after eating it, the restaurant is getting excellent publicity.

Video: California restaurant says no to noisy kids (July 2024).