Nursing rooms, private space or hiding place?

Breastfeeding, such a natural act of maternal life, is one of the things that can become controversial. Despite the fact that we have recited and shared all the benefits to exhaustion, there are still people who are bothered that mothers do it in public.

Sometimes I wonder what women did before the appearance of the formula. Did they hide? Or was it so normal to see a mother breastfeeding that everyone did it in public?

Currently, although most breastfeeding mothers have never been told anything, many feel fear or shame of breastfeeding in public. Fortunately for them, every day we can see more Nursing rooms in public places such as hospitals, airports, shopping centers and government offices.

But for some reason, some people don't think this is the solution and instead of looking at them as a support, they see it as a way to force mothers to hide while breastfeeding their children.

What is a nursing room?

A lactation or lactation room is an assigned place for breastfeeding mothers to enter and breastfeed your babies in a private and quiet space.

The idea is that this makes it easier for them to feed their children when they are away from home or in an environment that is unfamiliar. Also the fact of having a private space helps the baby not to be distracted by passing people or noise, and so on. can eat what he needs without him or his mother having difficulties.

In Babies and more we have commented previously that the ideal breastfeeding room should be one that is always clean, spacious, and has certain specifications for That really is a quiet space, like dim lighting and soft music.

Where can we find nursing rooms?

The location of breastfeeding rooms may vary depending on the country or city where you are.

In U.SFor example, I had the opportunity to use a nursing room in a shopping center, but it is also common to find them at airports and hospitals.

In the case of Spain It is also possible to find them in shopping centers or in large stores such as IKEA and Carrefour. However, in more public places, such as some train or bus stations, there are no lactation rooms.

In 2016, the Junta de Andalucía presented a draft Law for the promotion of a healthy life and a balanced diet, in which will make it obligatory for shopping centers, stations, airports and work centers to have lactation rooms.

In Mexico, since 2015, little by little, breastfeeding rooms, or lactation rooms, as they are told in this country, are being prepared in hospitals in some states and in government offices. It is expected that by 2018 in the capital of the country there will be 92 lactaries in the different government agencies.

But do they do it for the convenience of mothers or do they force them to hide?

Personally breastfeeding rooms seem like a great idea. It may not be such a direct way to normalize breastfeeding in public, but I consider it absurd to think that the reason or motive behind them is to hide the mothers who are breastfeeding.

It is sad to know that we live in a world in which there are people who for some reason insist on seeing the negative side of things.

What if there are mothers who don't feel comfortable breastfeeding in public? Or if there are babies who are disturbed by noise or strange environments and cannot eat quietly?

I think we should stop thinking so absurdly and stop looking for a "but" to everything. Anything that helps a mother continue to breastfeed her children as long as possible will always be welcome..

What do you think about breastfeeding rooms?

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | How should the ideal breastfeeding room be, Special rooms to breastfeed in public places, encourage breastfeeding or hide ?, Nursing rooms

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