Thank you daddy

In this month of the special father in Babies and more in which parents can show us your story, I did not want to miss the opportunity to stop to express something that sometimes moms do not tell you, probably because we take it for granted or because we are too busy on other issues.

Fortunately, I am lucky to be able to say these words.

Thank you for that surprise face at the result of the pregnancy test, for sharing at that time the illusion And fears with me. For that disbelief that I no longer had and that concealed, prudently, your desire. Thanks for putting up, and when I say endure I say it with all the letters, my anguishes, my pains, my fears, my cries, my mood swings, my hobbies ... throughout the whole pregnancy.

But not everything has been that patience that I did not imagine you had. Good times have also been shared. Thank you for enjoying my appetite, my laughter, the walks, the childbirth preparation classes.

By share dreams and cravings, to imagine the future with enthusiasm, for those caresses, those kisses and those whispers to the tripita. For making me feel beautiful despite everything. For putting on creams every night. For thinking together how his eyes, his hair, his skin, his tears would be.

For that last month in which I could despair and you always had words and gestures of understanding and encouragement. For those last 10 days in which Mar was waiting for more than we wanted her, in which against all odds came my birthday before her arrival, in which I was overcome by insomnia, discomfort, fluid retention, burning, becoming a piltrafilla .

There you were to dance with me, to remind me that it was worth more than ever and to put on that song that made me cry and that still makes me.

For making me thousand and one photos unchallenged (or almost) before this excessive hobby of mine to immortalize everything and that has resulted in a hard disk about to explode and a few hundred photos in albums to show Mar when he was still in the belly and his first months together U.S.

Thanks for calming me down that splendid day in which the delivery was finally scheduled. For your hand, for your laughs, for your caresses, for your temper, for watching the monitor. For that look when they had to take me to the operating room. For that kiss when at last, and for the first time, we were together 3. For telling me what you felt when you saw our daughter.

Thank you also for being the first to change diapers, to pick up arms, to bathe, to soothe tears while I recovered. Thank you for reminding me in my helplessness that everything was going better. For getting excited to see that Mar depended on us, so small and fragile. Thank you for not letting me collapse in the face of difficulties in breastfeeding, for insisting and supporting me until today.

Thank you for making those beginnings seem less complicated, until you reach today, making everyday life easier, more bearable, more cheerful, with a good dose of smiles torn from Mar and me.

Thank you for everything that has happened, also for each day and the moments that will come. That this has just begun.

Remember that parents themselves can share your story in Babies and more, where we will select those experiences and will appear published in the blog. Nothing is easier than sending the stories to the email address [email protected].

Video: Thank you for being my Dad Song for Dad (May 2024).