The school returns and the lice also return: the use of repellents is making them stronger

The return to school is near and one of the first informative circulars that parents usually receive is about pediculosis. Not surprisingly, these undesirable Parasites are especially comfortable in hot weather and the beginning of the course, which covers the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, is usually a good time for its proliferation.

But lice are not exclusive to one time of the year and it is common to receive notifications from the school throughout the course. Experts warn that the use of shampoos and lotions is creating more resistant and difficult to eliminate liceSo, what is in our hand to do to prevent contagion?

The use of preventive lotions makes them stronger

With the start of the course just around the corner, lice are again an obsession in many houses, especially if on some occasion our children have been infected. But, according to Dr. Ana Álvarez-Viéitez, dermatologist at the Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario, acting before contagion - believing that we will avoid them this way - can be a mistake.

“The indiscriminate use that is being made of colonies, lotions and shampoos against lice is making them more resistant and it is very difficult to get rid of them,” the dermatologist warns us.

I admit it. I am obsessed with this issue and that, for the moment (and I cross my fingers!), My children have never been infected with lice. But the mere idea of ​​imagining their heads plagued by these odious parasites makes my whole body itch.

I am one of those who buys shampoos and repellent lotions. Which untangles your daughter's hair with a conditioner with extract of tea tree, or of which this oil is applied in the head of the children several times a week.

And, who more or less looking for tricks, advice or home remedies more or less effective to prevent infection without being aware that, as Dr. Álvarez-Viéitez tells us, A fight ahead of time can make them stronger.

"The only way to prevent the spread of pediculosis capitis is the eradication of the louse. Lotions against an epidemic of lice are not effective; Moreover, both the use of preventive substances and pediculicides can only cause irritation and dermatitis of the scalp without influencing the prevention of the disease at all"

"The supposed preventive lotions only cause a false sense of security in the child's environment, so that transmission is facilitated. The only effective thing is the mechanical treatment with manual removal of the nits as soon as possible and of the entire affected group "- the dermatologist informs us.

Therefore, it seems clear that the best prevention is the constant monitoring of our children's heads, carry out basic control measures and act with products only in case of infection.

How to act once the contagion has occurred

If at any time we locate lice in the hair of our children, we must know how to act effectively, it will depend on the absolute eradication of these parasites and that they do not appear again days later.

Dermatologist Álvarez-Viéitez gives us the keys to eradicate lice Once we have confirmed the infection:

  • We will apply a specific lice lotion on dry scalp, and, preferably, without prior washing.

  • We will leave act for the recommended time for each product (15 to 30 minutes) keeping the scalp covered with a plastic cap.

  • Then, we will wash the head with pediculicidal shampoo (lice) letting it act for a few minutes.

  • Once washed the hair, we will pass the lendrera so that the louse comes out, paying special attention to the nits, which we will remove mechanically with tweezers or with nails.

This step is the most important, because if we are not irritating the child's scalp for free, since a few days later, the nits that are not removed will hatch in the form of new lice. ”
  • We also have to treat objects that have been in contact with the infected person's hair, such as clothes, pillows, cushions, sheets, armchairs and sofas, stuffed animals, hair ornaments ...

If possible, we will wash everything at 60º or, failing that, we will introduce it in a closed bag for a week so that the lice die of starvation. Subsequently we will vacuum the objects and weed the bag we used to store them in the trash.

  • One week after the treatment we must make a new revision to make sure that no lice or nits have survived.

And although in many cases, pediculosis remains a taboo subject, it is important that we inform the school if our child has had lice. In this way, el other parents may check their children's heads and avoid a new contagion between partners.

False myths about lice

It is common to hear certain statements about lice that are nothing more than myths that all they do is favor its spread by believing, erroneously, that they can be fought by various techniques.

  • For example, it is false that cutting hair of the infected person we can eradicate the lice. This would only occur by shaving the patient's head completely. Similarly, the fact that our children wear very short hair does not exempt them or make them less likely to become infected. In this case, short hair may make it easier for us to check your hair.

  • It is also not true that lice only nest in dirty hair. Moreover, experts say that prefer clean hair It facilitates its movement.

  • And if we believe that adults are safe, we are wrong. Pediculosis is not an exclusive disease of children and teachers, caregivers, parents, grandparents, doctors and health personnel may be affected.

Therefore, if we detect lice in the head of our children, it is important that both parents and other family members who have been in contact with the child, also check their hair.

  • Another popular belief is that vinegar helps fight lice and, according to Dr. Álvarez-Viéitez, this is also false because in reality the vinegar only helps to detach the nits but it doesn't affect the louse at all.

With these tips and recommendations, we want this course to keep lice at bay!

  • IStock Photos

  • Acknowledgments Dr. Ana Álvarez-Viéitez, dermatologist at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Hospital in Madrid

  • In Babies and More Lice: everything you always wanted to know and you never dared to ask, One in five children gets lice, how to prevent them ?, Prevent lice before they appear, Practical guide against lice