Little Ellis's smile fills the hearts of more than a million children in the world with hope

According to the Heart Foundation, congenital heart disease is a group of diseases characterized by presence of structural alterations of the heart produced by defects in its formation during the embryonic period.

More than one million babies are born annually with congenital heart disease and little Ellis, a British baby who also arrived in the world prematurely, is one of them. You We share your story of overcoming and effort in order to fill the hearts of millions of babies and their families in the same situation with hope.

A little fighter

Little Ellis arrived to complete his family six weeks ahead of schedule. Her mother's pregnancy, Stephanie, had been going well and the prenatal checkups and tests were normal.

But Ellis' premature birth also meant Beginning of a hard struggle to overcome congenital heart disease He was diagnosed as soon as he was born. Through an X-ray test, doctors found fluid in his lungs and an ultrasound revealed a large ventricular septal defect in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of his heart.

its heart disease was severe and doctors had to operate as soon as possible, but the baby was very young and needed first to gain weight and become strong in order to undergo greater guarantees for surgery.

A few days ago, Ellis was successfully operated at the Southampton General Hospital in the United Kingdom, and is currently in the recovery phase. The photograph of the child a few hours after the intervention, and in which he is seen in his mother's arms and smiling openly, is filling the hearts of millions of babies around the world with hope They hope to undergo similar surgeries.

Congenital heart disease in babies

And, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation and the Spanish Society of Cardiology are 1.5 million cases of congenital heart disease diagnosed every year in the world. Most are detected in routine tests performed during pregnancy, but there are some heart diseases that are not discovered until birth, or even later.

According to experts, there are more than 50 types of congenital heart disease, and the associated symptomatology is also very variable, being able to be asymptomatic and not require specific treatment or, conversely, lead to severe symptoms that require surgical correction during the first weeks of lifetime.

Advances in diagnosis and treatment have greatly improved the prognosis of children who suffer from it, so that currently more than 80% survive until adulthood.
  • Via mirror

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