AEP recommendations on influenza vaccination (2017-18 campaign)

Although it is not noticeable in much of Spain, autumn has arrived and we will soon talk about cold. Y With the drop in temperatures, the flu season opens. For some years now, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics publishes its recommendations in this regard for families.

Specifically, the AEP Vaccine Advisory Committee has just published its recommendations for flu vaccination in the 2017-18 campaign. Are you or your children in the recommended vaccination groups?

Although the flu vaccine is not a generalized vaccine, there are certain risk groups for which influenza immunization is recommended. In any case, remember that there are certain tips to prevent the flu and that none are safe. Especially in the season in which there can be great activity and circulation of the influenza virus in Spain (especially from November to March).

The EPA Advisory Committee on Vaccines issues its recommendations on influenza vaccination in children and adolescents based on a comprehensive review of the existing literature and analysis of the experience of previous seasons and, in particular, regarding effectiveness and safety of the available vaccines.

Flu vaccination recommendations

It is recommended that the following groups be vaccinated against the flu:

1) Risk groups Children from six months of age and adolescents in certain situations or with underlying diseases, such as:

  • Chronic respiratory disease (cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia ...)
  • Severe cardiovascular disease (congenital or acquired)
  • Chronic metabolic disease (diabetes mellitus, congenital metabolic diseases ...)
  • Chronic kidney or liver disease
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
  • Congenital immunodeficiency (excluding asymptomatic isolated IgA deficit) or acquired (includes administration of systemic corticosteroids at high and maintained doses)
  • Functional or anatomical asplenia
  • Oncological disease
  • Moderate or severe hematologic disease
  • Chronic neuromuscular disease and moderate or severe encephalopathy
  • Cochlear Implant: This indication was added new last year as children with cochlear implants have an increased risk of meningitis due to nasopharyngeal bacteria, and the flu may favor this phenomenon.
  • Moderate or severe malnutrition
  • Morbid obesity; prematurity (preferably <35 weeks or existence of comorbidity)
  • Prematurity, preferably below 35 weeks or comorbidity
  • Down syndrome and other genetic disorders with risk factors
  • Continuous treatment with acetylsalicylic acid (due to the risk of Reye's syndrome in the case of influenza virus infection)
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Children with rheumatic diseases, due to the greater risk they have of getting infections both from the rheumatic disease itself and from the effect of the treatment they receive

This year, it is included as a novelty among the risk groups to children from 6 months to 5 years institutionalized supervised by the administration.

2) Healthy children from six months of age, adolescents and healthy adults living with risk patients.

3) Family members, when there are infants under six months of age with risk factors, since they cannot receive the flu vaccine.

4) All healthcare professionals. This recommendation is made, in line with other scientific societies and health authorities, as a measure of self-protection, as an expression of social solidarity and as an example and responsibility to the patients they are treated.

5) In addition, they recommend Influenza vaccination of infants older than six months, not included in a risk group, if your parents request it and your pediatrician considers it convenient. This is so to prevent the high rate of complications associated with influenza in this age group.

6) Also the people with immunosuppression and pregnant women are two groups in which influenza vaccination is particularly indicated, as they also point out from the Ministry of Health.

Vaccine Administration

The CAV-AEP recommends using, preferably and if available, tetravalent influenza vaccines, both inactivated for intramuscular use and attenuated intranasally (although they will not be distributed this season by decision of the manufacturer), with the indications and dosage of their corresponding technical data sheets.

In children under nine years old, to achieve optimal protection against the flu two doses of the vaccine will be necessary, separated by at least four weeks. But if the patient had already received two doses of vaccine in past seasons, it will be enough to receive only one dose this season.

In people over nine years old, the administration of one dose per season is sufficient.

As for the way to administer the vaccine, it is done by deep intramuscular injection, in the outer anterolateral area of ​​the thigh for young children who are not yet walking, and on the shoulder in other people.

The flu is not a disease that involves a high mortality rate in our environment, but It can lead to serious complications in people in risk groups.

Therefore, it is important to prevent against influenza when indicated, as it is proven to be an effective and safe vaccine that saves many lives.

Video: Great Falls fire stations will host flu shot clinics (July 2024).