17 pediatricians and child health experts to follow in social networks to be well informed

With the use of internet and social networks, we have all the information we want to know at our fingertips. This undoubtedly brings us many advantages, because in addition to being aware of what is happening in the world, we can know a lot of important information for our health and that of our children.

Currently, various health professionals take advantage of technology to disseminate scientific information to support parents. We share you 17 pediatricians and child health experts that you can follow on social networks to be well informed.

Amalia Arce

Amalia Arce is a mother and pediatrician, who combines both professions in her blog and social networks, where she is known as "The pediatrician mother." In addition, she is the author of a book and responsible for social networks and digital content of the different platforms of the Nens hospital in Barcelona. You can follow her on her Twitter and Instagram account.

Children under one year are the most vulnerable to meningococcal disease. Vaccination should ideally be done in the first months of life although risk 0 does not exist at any age #MeningoBienProtegido @maresjosep

- Amalia Arce (@lamamapediatra) March 12, 2019

July Basulto

Julio Basulto is a father, Dietitian-Nutritionist, lecturer, teacher and author of several books and publications on food and health. You can follow him on his Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram.

Cookie, juice, croissant, batidito, ice cream, sausage, ham, sausage, soda, cocacolita, beer, wine, bucket, cigarette ... cariescita, belly, diabetes, infartito.

- Julio Basulto (@JulioBasulto_DN) March 15, 2019

Lucia, my pediatrician

Lucía Galán is a mother, a specialist in pediatrics and author of four books. Through her blog Lucia, my pediatrician, shares information and advice for mothers, fathers and grandparents, all from a professional point of view, through her experiences as a pediatrician and mother. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

But how are we going to miss this opportunity to get scientific evidence so and so far? Why should we continue to disseminate in rrss?
FOR THINGS SO WONDERFUL AS THIS (read on my IG❤️ wall) #VaccinesWork
👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/LEC2JRPUjk

- Lucia, my Pediatrician (@luciapediatra) March 7, 2019
In Babies and more "We are wonderful parents, even with our imperfections", we talked with Lucia, my pediatrician

Jose Maria Lloreda

José María Lloreda is a pediatrician and author of two books on parenthood, pregnancy and parenting. In his blog "My kingdom for a horse", he discloses medical knowledge, mainly of Pediatrics. You can follow him on Twitter.

Medicine never advanced by truly taking what seemed to be, but by doubting this, always. Scientific progress is not a straight path until we get to where we are now, but a path full of ways forward, backward and sideways

- José María Lloreda (@jmlloreda) February 28, 2019

Miryam Triana - On Demand

Dr. Miryam Triana Junco, is a mother, pediatrician, specialist in neonatology and international breastfeeding consultant (IBCLC). Author of the blog On Demand, talks about breastfeeding and infant feeding from a professional and scientific point of view. You can follow her on her Twitter account and also see her collaborations for Babies and more.

Preparing the snack 😊
My "trick" to eat fruit is to offer at least 2 different ones, so you can choose pic.twitter.com/6IGTubP0bH

- ON DEMAND: breastfeeding, pediatrics, BLW (@Ademandaorg) January 9, 2019

Jesús Garrido (My online pediatrician)

Jesús Garrido is a pediatrician and author of a respectful parenting book. On their website My online pediatrician shares information for parents about children's health. You can follow him on his Twitter account.

If your child suffers from Bronchitis😷 you can't miss this! 🤗👨🏼‍⚕️ //t.co/ykeKLgXu0w via @mpediatraonline

- Jesús Garrido García (@mpediatraonline) March 6, 2019

José María Paricio

José María Paricio is a pediatrician, author, creator of the e-lactation website and president of the Association for the Promotion and Scientific and Cultural Research of Breastfeeding (APILAM). You can follow him on his Twitter account.

"Giving breast milk to a premature newborn is the safest way to help save his life" //t.co/LNwv9DF4JZ

- APILAM 🤱🏽🤱🏼🤱🏿🤱🤱🏾🤱🏻 (@APILAM_) July 5, 2018

Jesus Martinez

Jesús Martínez is a family doctor and author of the blog "The doctor of my son", where he shares information about the health of children, and is the author of the parenting book with the same name. You can follow him on his Twitter account.

Primary care pediatrics is disappearing //t.co/rIWbKW5Otv via @medicodemihijo @jmartinezal

- Jesús Martínez (@jmartinezal) February 28, 2019

Andrea Masiá

Andrea Masiá is a mother and pediatrician, author of the Family Pediatrician blog in which she shares her life as a pediatrician and shares information and knowledge to her readers. You can follow her on her Twitter account.

As every year, bronchiolitis is here ... | Moms and Dads | EL PAÍS and @pediandrea explain it clearly. //t.co/afjXbbq2lS

- My son's doctor (@medicodemihijo) January 15, 2019
In Babies and more Communication 2.0 with our pediatrician, a mutual benefit

Irene Maté

Irene Maté Cano is a pediatrician with subspecialization in infectious diseases and responsible for the social networks of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. You can follow her on her Twitter account.

Early diagnosis is essential so that treatment is as early as possible and thus the prognosis is optimal. //t.co/YrIOqH1HSS

- Irene Maté (@Irenemate) March 15, 2019

Pediatrician Gabi Ruiz

Gabriel Ruiz is a father and pediatrician who shares in his blog practical and useful information about parenting, education and children's health, based on current scientific knowledge and his experience as a pediatrician. You can follow him on his Twitter account.

In # babies and # children it is important to synchronize the schedule of # sleep with natural light
I explain in the infographic of this article: //t.co/CCl6mCWH8q

- pediatragabiruiz (@ pediatragabiru3) March 15, 2019

Pepe Serrano

Pepe Serrano is a father and pediatrician, author of the PepePedia blog, whose objective is the dissemination and opinion on topics related to pediatrics. You can follow him on his Twitter account.

Group immunity: here are several videos to understand it and see its benefits 👇👇👇 //t.co/GI2BnGezPd

- Pepe Serrano (@PepePediatre) March 14, 2019


Matilde Zornoza is a primary care pediatrician and collaborator of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics. In his blog Pediatra2punto0 shares information to help parents better understand the health of their children. You can follow her on Twitter.

#Vaccines not only save lives, but when we stop vaccinating, outbreaks have an impressive economic cost #VaccinesWork //t.co/SW8SFuttFn

- Pediatra2punto0 (@ Pediatra2punto0) March 8, 2019

Two pediatricians at home

Elena Blanco and Gonzalo Oñoro are parents and doctors specialized in pediatrics. Through his blog Two pediatricians at home, share scientific information in a practical and simple way to other parents, in order to make it easier to raise children. You can follow them on their Twitter account.

Vaccines are safe and save thousands of lives every year worldwide. But, as medications they are, they can give "reaction." Today we review them on the blog so they don't get caught by surprise. # VaccinesWork #Vacunas
Do you share? T // t.co / S9cKnWKxWc

- Two Pediatricians at Home (@ 2PediatrasNCasa) March 11, 2019

Alberto Garcia Out

Alberto García Salido is a father, pediatrician and writer. He has experience in palliatives and a doctorate, and through his blog and social networks he shares opinions and information about medicine. You can follow him on his Twitter account.

#QueridosPadres, healthy newborns should not have hip or skull ultrasound when they turn one month. If they tell you that it is by protocol that you know that there is no protocol that justifies what is not needed. There is no "echo" better than your voice very close.

- Alberto García Salido (@Nopanaden) March 13, 2019

Armando Bastida

Armando Bastida is a pediatric nurse, father and author of the book "I am Dad: how to raise your children with common sense." He is also the creator of Breeding with Common Sense and was for years editor in Babies and more, always speaking with great sensitivity on issues of health as well as parenting, pregnancy, postpartum and more. You can follow him on his Twitter account and on Instagram.

Two days ago it was World Peace Day. But yesterday should be too. And today. And tomorrow. And always. # Montessori # Paz # Society # NoHemosSalidoTanBien pic.twitter.com/tQRT8m2Qty

- Armando Bastida (@armando_bastida) February 1, 2019

José Ramón Fernández

José Ramón Fernández is a neonatologist in the Neonatology Unit of the General University Hospital Santa Lucía de Cartagena and an expert in initial assistance to pediatric trauma. He also talks about childbirth and postpartum, fighting bulls with no scientific foundation. Very active in his Twitter account where you can follow him.

Video: Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition The Thousand Day Window of Opportunity (July 2024).