Before and after being a mother: how the value of things changes

Motherhood is an experience that completely changes your life, both physically and mentally. When you become a mother you redesign your daily routines, your lifestyle is a completely different one and your interests change: you find that what you were interested in before is no longer as important and you discover new topics to focus on.

In general, with motherhood you realize that your way of thinking changes to such a degree that things acquire a different value after having children.

The things that mattered to me before I was a mother

From my personal experience, I believe that motherhood changed my interests in an impressive way. The things that seemed important to me now do not matter to me or even seem boring to me, while the simple things in life now seem amazing.

Before being a mom, I cared a lot about appearances. Especially my physical appearance. I was interested in being aware of the new trends, because my clothes were always fashionable and impeccable. I really cared about every detail of my physical appearance.

Before being a mom, I was very interested in knowing what my friends and acquaintances were doing, what was happening in the world. I liked knowing what the hot spot was, going out with them to meet him and always keeping up with the latest gossip.

Before being a mom, I was very demanding with my time. I hated to have plans canceled or last minute changes made. I liked to plan my week in advance and have a very active social life.

Before being a mom, I took many things for granted. I owned my time. I thought I could always do what I wanted whenever I wanted. That if he didn't urge me, I could leave things for later, after all I had all the time in the world.

Before I was a mom, I didn't use to be very emotional with my family and loved ones. If I saw them or not, nothing happened, there would be time to see them at birthdays, family gatherings or Christmas.

Before being a mom, I used to be very impatient. I was always in a hurry for everything: driving, walking, waiting for my turn at the bank, waiting in line to pay at a store. I was in a hurry to do everything because I didn't want to miss anything that was happening in the world.

The things that I don't care about since I was a mom

I think that when we become mothers, we get a kind of “reality hit” that makes us rethink the importance we give to some things, making us focus on their true value.

Since I’m a mom, I stopped worrying about appearances. Of course I still care to look good, but if my clothes are fashionable or not, it's not something that makes me sleepy anymore. I care more about wearing clothes in which I feel comfortable and sure of myself. I also don't care if my clothes get stained or dirty, because This means that there were some naughty little hands hugging me and near me.

Since I was a mom, I was not interested in what others were doing. I keep in touch with my friends, but I am no longer interested in knowing what the hot spots are in the city. Gossip and rumors? I'm sorry, I don't have time for that and I prefer to use it to do things that really make me happy.

Since I’m a mom, I don’t care much if my plans are canceled and sometimes I’m glad they do. I am not worried about having an active social life, because I have a rich and interesting life at home with my family. If it were for me, I wouldn't miss a single second of the growth of the wonderful human being I gave life to.

Since I was a mom, I understood that owning my time is not something that matters a lot when you have children. Of course, one wants to have the opportunity to do many things, but with children it is not always possible. This has taught me to value things more. I may not care much for not having time to go shopping or go to the movies, but I certainly value those little solo moments that I have for myself.

Since I was a mom, I started saying "I love you" to my family every day. Family is the most important thing we have in our early years, and I don't want my daughter to miss any of it. Family is everything. Becoming a mother made me strengthen my relationship with my parents, visit them more frequently, talk daily and show them my love and affection in every opportunity I have, because now I understand and know everything they lived by having me and my sister.

Since I was a mom, I stopped caring about the hurried back and forth that we usually have. I have learned to walk slowly, stop to contemplate the clouds, smell the flowers, take a deep breath and marvel at the world in which we live. I don't care if the person in front is walking or driving slowly, Now I enjoy the view and I realize all those things that I missed trying to "not miss anything in the world".

Now that I'm mom, The most important thing for me is not the material things, but those things that enrich your heart and make your soul smile. My daughter's kisses, family hugs, laughter at lunchtime and seeing my girl grow in front of my eyes, are the things that interest me most.

Of course I do not live absent or disconnected from the outside world, nor is it that I have lost my essence or interest in everything that previously mattered to me. They just don't have the same value as before. I am not in a hurry to live life or be aware of what others do, because the things that really matter are with me.

Photos | iStock
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