After the Kings, it's time to order toys: some tips to have them organized

Your Majesties of the East have already accomplished their mission this year, and you will surely find yourself at home surrounded by new and old toys. Some of them are used daily, others less and others nothing. So, After the Kings, it's time to order toys to have them better organized.

It will be necessary to decide which toys we leave, which we give, which we donate, which are not in conditions and we must throw them away or recycle them, and which, however damaged they may be, it is impossible to dispose of them.

It is a task that we do every year at home after Christmas, and we take it as a fun activity that will help us have the most ordered toys. Just thinking of "removing" toys causes rejection, so we try to make it a way to recycle, transform, gain space to play and have everything more organized.

So with a lot of patience we take out toys, puzzles, costumes, balls, dolls, cooking games, board games and so on and so on and we start to make order. At home we try to at least For every toy that goes in, one that goes out, but ends up being an accumulation of meaningless objects.

First step: classification

The first part of the task consists of sort toys:

  • New toys: the most recent that have come home for Christmas, Kings, birthdays ... Of course, they stay. They have pass for one more year.

  • Gift Toys: those toys with which they almost no longer play and believe that other children can take more advantage than them. Recipients of gift toys are usually friends, cousins, brothers, etc. They are usually toys that "have run out".

  • Toys to donate: as long as they are in good condition, donating them is another option to give toys that they no longer use a good destination. In almost all municipalities, as well as in churches and other charities, solidarity collections of toys are organized periodically.

  • Throwing toys: There are toys that are not in a position to be given or donated and it is time to take them to the clean point so they can be recycled. They are deposited in different containers depending on whether they are plastic, metal (bicycles, scooters, skates), and separate batteries or batteries.

  • Toys that take vacations: There is one last option that is put into practice in many houses that consists of putting in a box the toys with which the children hardly play and keep them. After a while they get back into the ring and the children regain interest in them.

It is not a matter of making them suffer

Ordering toys does not mean arbitrarily removing toys that we think are. It must be somewhat agreed, without stress. Maybe when ordering, your little one will be reunited with that forgotten stuffed dog for months and love him again as the first day. Therefore, not using it for a long time is not synonymous with having to leave.

The idea is to turn the activity into something positive that teaches them to value their toys, take care of them and realize that entertaining is not about accumulating toys.

Therefore, it does not consist of that children suffer and feel that we decide on their things. Surely there will be toys with which they have not played or are damaged for a long time and still want to keep them because they have an emotional value.

Finally, order the toys

Once we decide which toys are going to stay with us for another year, we are dedicated to order them looking for an appropriate place according to the ages of your children. If, for example, we have children of different ages, keep up the toys of the elderly that may contain small parts or dangerous batteries for the little ones.

Then, group by sectors. For example, the dolls with their dresses, the construction games in one drawer, the Playmobil in another, the artistic material in another, the costumes in their trunk, and so on with each of the toys.

We also check that the puzzles and board games have all their pieces so that they are in condition when they want to use them, that the books are in condition, and incidentally we wash the stuffed animals (it is recommended to wash them at least four times a year at a temperature of 60 degrees)

This is how we do it at home every year. One time After the Kings, it's time to order toys. I hope I have given you good ideas so that you can put into practice and take advantage of doing some space that always comes in handy.

Photos | istockphoto, Upsilon Andromedae and philcampbell on Flickr
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