11 educational applications for children

It is clear that children are no longer born with a bread under their arm but rather with a last generation smartphone that they handle a thousand times better than us. Although as parents we must control the use that minors make of technology so that it is always with responsibility, this does not mean that we cannot exploit the benefits it brings.

Since as parents you will surely have seen yourself in the situation that your little one asks for your mobile phone, at least we will convert that use in a moment to learn thanks to these 11 educational applications for children, helping them to motivate their creativity.

ICuadernos by Rubio

Who did not make the famous Rubio notebooks in his childhood? Now they come back but interactively.

Your child can review math, color and have fun with the new character that will be personalized in the application.

It has 20 levels that include problems suitable for children from kindergarten to more than six years.

It is completely free and available on the App Store and Google Play.


Spelling, that pending subject that many teenagers suspend ... If you are one of those who can't stand seeing a spelling mistake, this application will enchant you.

This online platform that was born with the aim of ending these faults does so by exploiting the visual memory and mental abilities of children in 3rd grade through 2nd year of high school. For this work he uses fragments of literary works so that they approach them and the authors.

It has a double use, personal and for schools.

There is a 10-day trial version or a 1-month license for € 12 and it works through a direct login on the web.


Do you remember Santillana Holidays? Well, it comes in digital version! Its content is distributed in tab format and is available for two age ranges:

  • Children between 3 and 5 years: The objective is to promote the development of basic skills and abilities.

  • Children between 6 and 11 years old: Here we will focus on Mathematics, Language, Science, English and Art.

It is free although later you can purchase payment tokens within the app itself.

It is available for Ipad, Android, Samsung Apps and Windows 8.


It is an application that aims to encourage reading among children by collecting stories and popular characters such as Snow White, The Three Little Pigs or Beauty and the Beast.

As a novelty, it is updated with new content every Friday and the stories are presented in eight languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese.

There is a free seven-day version and it is available in the App Store, Google Play and BlackBerry AppWorld.


This is a Spanish application for children between four and fourteen years old with the aim of improving in mathematics.

His system is based on artificial intelligence. It consists of sessions of 10-15 minutes a day where the evolution of the child is observed. The application also detects when it is more difficult and teaches reinforcement videos.

The application is free but the courses have an additional cost. It is available, with 15 free trial days, for App Store and Google Play.

Creation of discounts

It is an application to create stories where the little ones will become the true protagonists of the stories.

Behind this platform work different illustrators who give life to the characters and scenarios.

It is currently available on the App Store (for iPad) and on Google Play.

My Life in English

It is an application developed by Itbook, aimed at children from 9 to 11 years old, with the aim of improving the vocabulary and pronunciation they have in English. Everything, through the game.

The download is free and includes a free theme. Each theme has ten games. Then, if you want to get more you will have to acquire them in the application itself. It is available for both the App Store and Google Play.

Montessori Geometry

It is an application developed by Edoki Academy and aimed at children between 4 and 8 years old with the desire to improve geometry.

Thanks to this app, the little ones will work on logic, categorization and hierarchy. Available on the App Store for € 4.49.


It is perfect for the little ones in the house. Through very colorful games you will learn very basic concepts related to shapes and colors, mathematics and the alphabet.

The only drawback is that it is in English although it is quite intuitive.

Its download is free although there are purchases within the app that is currently available for App Store and Google Play.


The application is aimed at children between 2 and 7 years old with the aim of helping them develop motor skills, visual discrimination, cognition and logic.

Something very characteristic is that there is hardly any text so children can play from anywhere on the planet. It contains 12 mini games based on hiding or playing the piano for example.

Your download is free but you can have purchases within the app is available in App Store and Google Play.


It is an application developed by Meikme whose goal is for children to approach the alphabet. They will learn to trace each letter and recognize its sounds. It is recommended from four years.

In addition, each letter will be associated with different words to expand vocabulary. Its download is free and can be found in App Store and Google Play.

Video: Great Reading Apps for Kids (July 2024).