How many months am I? The equivalence between weeks and months of pregnancy

Pregnancy is counted in weeks, the total duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks, but it is still common to hear people talk about months of pregnancy and since in reality the pregnancy does not last exactly nine months, it is there when the confusion arises.

Six months pregnant how many weeks are they? If I am 35 weeks old, how many months am I? We will help you clarify this very frequent question about the equivalence between weeks and months of pregnancy.

How long is the pregnancy

The approximate duration of pregnancy is 280 days gestation, more than nine months (ten lunar months), or what is the same, 38 weeks from the moment of fertilization of the ovum and 40 weeks from the date of the last menstruation (FUM).

If we start counting the weeks since the last menstruation, the first week of pregnancy will come to you and, if you have regular 28-day cycles, fertilization of the egg will occur in week 3.

Implantation occurs in week 4, which would be just when the rule should come again (which will not come if you have become pregnant), or there will be slight bleeding known as implantation bleeding. These first four weeks would correspond to first month of pregnancy.

Between week 5 and week 6, when you notice a delay, you will take a pregnancy test and discover that you are pregnant. !! Congratulations!!

How many months am I?

In reality, one month does not last exactly four weeks, except February, the only month of 28 days. The others last 30 or 31 days, about four weeks and two or three days on average.

If we calculate each month of four weeks, the pregnancy would end in week 36 when in reality the duration is 40 weeks, therefore to have a unified criterion the months and trimesters of pregnancy could be divided, as follows:

First trimester of pregnancy

  • First month of pregnancy: from week 1 to week 4
  • Second month of pregnancy: from week 5 to week 8
  • Third month of pregnancy: from week 9 to week 13

Second trimester of pregnancy

  • Fourth month of pregnancy: from week 14 to week 17
  • Fifth month of pregnancy: from week 18 to week 22
  • Sixth month of pregnancy: from week 23 to week 27

Third trimester of pregnancy

  • 7th month of pregnancy: from week 28 to week 31
  • 8th month of pregnancy: from week 32 to week 35
  • Ninth month of pregnancy: from week 36 to week 40

Your pregnancy week by week

If you want to know how your pregnancy evolves and how your baby grows week by week, consult this complete guide from conception to birth: from week 1 to 40 of gestation.

Video: Labor and Delivery. Childbirth. Nucleus Health (May 2024).