Baby Diary: I already have six months

Hello, I am Emma, ​​I have already turned six months old, and at this moment of my short existence I wanted to comment on how I have been doing lately. Y, What could a six month old baby have? So many, so many things, I don't know where to start. But I will try to summarize.

There have really been many changes since I was born, but the most important thing this month is that I have started eating new things. It has not been an easy change, and luckily I do not lack mom's milk which, apart from what I like the most, relaxes me.

But the first spoonfuls were complicated, although in a few weeks I learned this new way of eating, and I already like it a little more.

Now I look much more at everything around me, and any short walk, at home or on the street, I find it fascinating. I learn new things, discover new colors and shapes, new sounds.

Everything is new to me, and I love to discover. The last thing that caught my attention are the songs of the birds.

At night I keep sleeping a lot, I'm quite sleepy and my mom has to wake me up in the morning because it's too late. Two teeth are already starting to appear in the mouth, and now I like it more than before biting soft things that relieve me when it hurts.

Speaking of pain, I had a little bad time with constipation after trying the new food, although I am already doing much better. And it also hurt some punctures that put me on both legs, which they say is for my good but I did not like anything, and I think my parents either. Luckily, I immediately calmed down with Mom's arm.

Another thing that calms me down is suck my finger, it seems that I do it until I fall asleep, my mother tries to exchange it for a pacifier, but there is nothing to do.

My little great achievements

I already sit better than before, although I need to be supported. On the floor I am able to spin and rollIt's a fun exercise, and more when my parents or my sister get around calling me at ground level.

Every time it costs me less to take the things that are within my reach, I love to shake the rattles and other toys that make noise. I also like to play to take the spoon when it approaches the mouth and to pull the hair of my mother, although almost it does not take it loose because I think that I have ever hurt him without wanting to.

I get scared if I don't know someone, and I show it with faces of strangeness, or sometimes crying, but every time I meet more people. I already recognize not only my parents and my sister, but other close people that I see less frequently. Although both strangers and close ones always do the same to me, they talk to me like babies, I like it better for people I know.

I still don't speak words, but I can express myself in many other ways, both for what I like and for what I don't: crying, screaming, clicking and chirping, laughing and laughing ... I try to imitate some sounds I hear, and I don't goes wrong.

I laugh a lot

I already say that I laugh and laugh often. I love to see how the elders speak to me and how they make me faces, how they take me on the plane, how they tickle me, how they blow me in the belly, or how they make me eat my feet or hands. I even like to hear my name, I already recognize it, and although I don't see who says it to me I smile because I know they talk to me, and they like to see me laugh.

But, what I like most, above all, with what I laugh the most, is with the thanks that my two-year-old sister does to me. She has the magic to make me laugh with anything. For example, repeating some of his words near me.

As soon as he says “baby-baby-baby” or “cucú-cucú-cucú” I can't stop laughing. My parents should also be very funny, because they use a device to store those moments and not forget them.

For my sister I am her little doll, and gives me many kisses and hugs, although mom always reminds her not to squeeze, that I'm still tiny. I want to grow up so I can hug her back.

He has also taken a bite once, but I think he loves me so much, because he doesn't make me angry. I will not return that when I grow up.

Photos | Eva Paris
In Babies and more | Baby calendar: six months, Welcome to the world, Being a mother for the second time: sensations