Summer diet for the pregnant

The symptoms of the first months of pregnancy are linked to the lack of appetite that usually causes heat, but that is no reason to stop carrying a balanced diet that provides nutrients and adequate hydration in order to promote the development of the fetus and achieve a healthy state of the future mother.

The queen of summer is the fruit, with it we can refresh ourselves while contributing to our body vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Although it is better to consume the whole fruit, it can also be eaten in juices, slushies, etc. but always taking care of the naturalness of the preparation.

Vegetables also give us many options to eat with desire, but you have to have a lot of cure to wash them well, cook them with little water and just enough time to maintain maximum nutrients.

Dairy products should not be lacking in diet, both milk and yogurt, they provide us with calcium, vitamins and proteins in a healthy, digestive and refreshing way, and can also be combined with fruits, cereals, etc. If during pregnancy you are going through a period of lack of appetite caused by your condition and high temperatures, you should assess whether it is temporary or if it remains for several days, if so, you should consult your doctor.


If it is something momentary, try to find a way to cope with it healthily, for example, distribute the food in several smaller doses to avoid feeling full, avoid the first dishes that fill and provide few calories, such as soups, salads, etc.

Consume whole products, nothing skimmed or low calorie products. Make these days unique dishes combining all the necessary nutrients of a meal, among which you have to find a protein and an energy food.

Try to introduce foods that stimulate appetite and drink liquids outside the main meals, these will be more enjoyable if you are accompanied.

The heat should also not prevent you from exercising, in addition to keeping fit, it will whet your appetite.

Video: Summer Survival Tips for Pregnant Women (May 2024).