Educate without shouting, a recommended book

On Sunday I saw in the newspaper El Mundo an announcement of Esfera Libros about one of its novelties, Educate without shouting, by Guillermo Ballenato.

I thought it could be a good bedside reading so that those parents accustomed to climbing decibels often at home realize that it is not an effective way to educate their children.

The book is a kind of guide that helps parents to reflect with keys and strategies to establish positive relationships with the intention of teaching values ​​and behaviors through a healthy and balanced education.

In order to educate with the word and not with the screams, the author contributes his arguments as a psychologist but also advises us from his experience as the father of two daughters.

Shouting aside, bet on more constructive ways to educate them based on five fundamental pillars:

  • Affection, affection, acceptance and recognition.
  • Dialogue, communication, listening and understanding.
  • The authority, applied from competition and equanimity.
  • Consistency, criteria and common sense.
  • Respect, consideration and human values.

Parents want to give our children the best, but sometimes we don't know how to do it.

Surely more than one will have hit a scream sometime and then felt sorry.

I think Educate without shouting It can lead us to properly manage the enormous responsibility of training our children.

It really is a book that I recommend. I have read the first pages available through the website of the publisher and I have been wanting more.

Video: How To Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling (May 2024).