Themed rooms for children

Our Decoesfera companions show us nice and fun beds for children, they are themed rooms that enclose, in addition to a beautiful decoration, a world in which children can develop their imagination, because it becomes a game scenario.

The designers of these rooms also think about taking advantage of the space, for example, the VTV Bed-house occupies almost like a normal bed but takes advantage of its entire interior to have a play area and be able to store things.

For a more spacious room and in which there will be no lack of detail in the design and accessories, it is this marine room of Deco & Design, where the bed is shaped like a boat or the coat rack is an oar.

Without a doubt, our eyes light up seeing the beautiful rooms that we could provide to our children, the bad thing is that the prices are not suitable for all budgets, since when it grows we will have to change the room.

Can you think of how to design a themed room for low-budget children? Surely many parents will be happy to meet you.

Video: Bloxburg. Kids Rooms. Themed Room Styles pt2 (June 2024).