Chinese birth control can lead to a new birth boom

In the late 70s China imposed the one-child policy to try to contain the country's growing population, this led to some unfortunate situations, abandonment of female babies, babies with diseases, saturation of orphanages, etc.

Now, it seems that one of the laws regulating the birth of the country can lead to new avalanche of conceived children. Apparently, there is a regulation that indicates that the only sons or daughters, that is, who do not have siblings, can have up to two children, if we take into account that all children born two and three decades ago were unique, they can have up to two children, with which the population will increase considerably despite the regularization of the birth rate.

In the end, those parents who were not allowed to have more than one child will be able to be grandparents twice and the Chinese State Commission for Population and Family Planning will see their work more complicated and fruitless. You just have to compare data, if not long ago this country placed its birth rate at 1.8% in recent years, the exception we have talked about has just placed 1.87% at that rate and It continues to grow, as the only children of two and three decades ago begin to want to be parents.

The truth is Chinese birth policy seems to make water According to the latest data obtained from various surveys, where up to a third of new couples wish to have the two children allowed by law, if so, up to 400 million new inhabitants could join the total population, something that the Government does not see with good eyes. If they had an error, should they bear the consequences? Or on the contrary, will they modify the law to avoid the new situation?


Video: Fertility, Birth Control and Our Population Can't Replace Itself (July 2024).