Holiday review books

Classes are ending and parents are already thinking of buying study books for the summer.

But they are not tedious books. They are very particular books conceived not as workbooks, but with the idea of ​​entertaining children during the holidays through playful reading and that by the way keep the contents that have worked during the school year fresh.

The review books are books with a very pleasant approach in which following a story or a part of a novel, there is a section of activities that as a game delves into subjects such as reading comprehension, language and mathematics.

Also in some cases they propose manual works related to the same reading.

Some include a kind of guide so that parents know how to adequately explain the questions that children may raise.

I find them very interesting for the summer. It is a great way to remember what they have learned during the year without feeling it as an obligation but rather as a game.

I also find it great to instill that books are not only read in school, but that reading during the holidays is also a pleasant entertainment.

Video: Books I Read On Holiday . TheKingBeth (July 2024).