Week 35 of pregnancy: your uterus has increased about 15 times its original size

We keep moving forward with pregnancy week by week and we are already in the week 35 of pregnancy. Your baby's lungs are mature enough so that if the delivery is triggered, he can breathe on his own without medication.

It already measures about 46 cm from head to toe and the weight is about 2,500 grams. The skin begins to smooth, fat begins to settle and the lanugo begins to disappear.

Your kidneys are now fully developed and the liver is also starting to function. Most of his basic physical development is already complete. In the coming weeks it will be dedicated to gaining weight.

Changes in the mother

Your uterus, which now reaches you below the ribs, has increased about 15 times from its original size. You may feel that you no longer have room to accommodate it, but your baby begins to accommodate and press the structures of the pelvis, which can cause discomfort and cramping at the level of the vagina. There is also a lot of pressure on the bladder so it is usual to increase the frequency of the times you will urinate.

Diagnostic tests this week. The Streptococcus test and third quarter analytics.

Between this week and the next two, the most normal is to take samples of your vagina and anus to rule out the presence of streptococcus agalactiae that can be part of the bacterial flora without causing any symptoms, but if the baby becomes infected during delivery It can cause sepsis or generalized infection. If the tests are positive, antibiotics will be given the days before delivery to prevent infection.

Another blood test is also done again to assess anemia, it is repeated toxoplasma serology in the case that it was negative in the first and second trimester and the coagulation tests to be able to administer the famous epidural if you wish.

Though Every pregnant and every baby is a world These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during week 35 of pregnancy. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: 36th week of pregnancy

Video: Twin-Twin Transfusion Medical Animation. Cincinnati Fetal Center (July 2024).