Family vacations with exotic and privileged destinations

We remember our vacations when we were children, a whole day by car to finally reach our destination, roads that have nothing to do with what we find now, stops in places that at other times of the year are lonely, but that in summer become "Massive dining rooms" in the open air, and at the end of the day, we were bursting, but wishing it was dawn to enjoy a succulent breakfast in a bowl and then go to the pool, the beach or the river.

But just like the games of our time have changed, the vacations enjoyed by today's children are very different (generally clear). The first difference is that now it is the children who choose the destination, Disneyland Paris, Port Aventura in Salou ...

But these destinations are not to repeat every year, so travel agencies already prepare family vacations to the most exotic and privileged places. Mexico, United States, Kenya ... are destinations that offer adventure and fun to parents and children. The first thing to clarify is that they are very expensive trips, as we read in Antena3 News, for a family of five people it can range between 13,000 and 23,000 euros depending on the destination, so there are few who can afford it.

These trips provide unthinkable activities for the little ones, even sailing in pirate ships and looking for a treasure, what child would not enjoy with it? We would even say that many parents are the adventurers who hallucinate living their second childhood.

Family trips are designed for all members to enjoy equally, although the schedules are planned to suit the pace of the little ones and there will always be some entertainer who has them entertained.

Anyway, it is a vacation for very baggy pockets, those who open it with droppers, continue to dream, although truly, what better vacation than the tortilla sandwich on the trip and family gatherings?

Video: Places to See in USA: 90 Weird Tourist Attractions in USA. Best places to visit in America (July 2024).