Summer recipes for kids: rice with tomatoes and eggs

When I started to prepare the list of Summer recipes for kids for babies and more that we are publishing during July and August, rice with tomatoes and eggs It was one of my first ideas, since it is the dish that my niece always asks me Irene When he comes to eat at home.

This simplified version of the Cuban rice recipe- which we prepare without fried plantain or other possible supplements - is basically that: cooked rice, homemade fried tomato and fried eggs. This combination is infallible for children but we can make them still like it better, as you will see now.

Ingredients for two people

  • 150 gr of rice, 4 M-size eggs, 4 tablespoons of homemade fried tomato

How to make rice with tomatoes and eggs

This recipe is very simple and requires almost no explanation, but it is always good to know the tricks so that the result is authentically delicious. It is also important to place the ingredients in a fun way so that they like it more or ask for help or collaboration.

For white rice, we boil plenty of water with a little salt in a saucepan and when it boils, add the rice. We cook it for 15 minutes and taste as it is. Normally it will be fine at 18 or 20 minutes but it is better to anticipate and test, so that it is not passed.

Once in its cooking point, we drain it in a strainer. When serving it, use flaneras or small glasses for children to be more excited. I still remember how my grandmother prepared it for me sooooooooooooooooo many years ago and I still do the same.

For the homemade fried tomato, you can use this recipe that we publish in Direct to the Palate or any other that you like. If you prefer one of the packages, you can use the one that your children like best, although you will be surprised when you use homemade tomato sauce.

As for fried eggs, although I like more toasts and with "lace", my nieces like white, so I cold them in olive oil not too hot to be done slowly as you see in the collage.

Plate assembly and tasting

This summer recipe for children It is served as a single dish. For the youngest children an egg will be enough, although Irene needs two, which is already beginning to be a little lady. To like them I put the eggs as if they were eyes, the rice flan as if it were a nose and I make a big smile with the fried tomato. Then we crush everything with the fork and mix the ingredients.

Video: Lunch Ideas for Babies. Baby Food Recipes for 10+ Months. Baby Food Ideas. Weight Gain Baby Food (July 2024).