Children with disabilities in public schools, lack of means to allow full integration

In the LaMima blog we can read an interesting article in which the lack of means to allow a disabled child to go to public school In all normality. Many doctors and specialists indicate that for children who suffer certain disabilities, such as achondroplasia, it is extremely beneficial to be integrated into the coexistence of the whole school, managing to develop their own identity and discovering everything that surrounds them and that they It allows to grow as people.

Integrating a child with a disability into a public school is beneficial for the child. but also for all his colleagues, he grows in them the values, very necessary in our society, acceptance, understanding and above all recognition. We agree that children with disabilities require more specialized attention from public education and they have to adapt the educational concepts, equipment, professionalism ... but this is not a great effort when the result is so beneficial for those He suffers from disability and for classmates.

Through LaMima we can meet a social complaint that shows how Ainhoa, a girl with a place of educational integration in a school, has not raised the slightest interest from those responsible for the center to the point of not having made the necessary adaptations to the problem he suffers or to call his parents to know a little more about the case and the existing needs. It must be said that there is no excuse that they do not know Ainhoa ​​or are unaware of the disability in question. In the case of achondroplasia, it is a genetic disease that is characterized by several growth defects since birth, among them we highlight that suffered by the limbs, legs and arms are of short measure while the torso has a normal state.

An adaptation of the school chair and the bathroom is necessary among other things, but they are details that do not involve practically any effort and that are of great importance for those who suffer the problem. However, these issues had not been remedied by the center to which he had to go.

We know a similar case, although the illness suffered by the girl was perhaps more serious, Angelman Syndrome, the parents also suffered an ordeal so that those responsible for the center would worry a little more about their integration as much as possible.

Improving the quality of life of children is everyone's job, the Government, the various entities or organizations must be aware and do everything that benefits and can represent an improvement for children, sensitivity and humanity are very necessary conditions for education and education. integration.

We advise you to visit LaMima and learn about the experience of this mother who lives a battle on a daily basis to improve the quality of life of her little Ainhoa.

Thanks for the information Antonio.

Video: Lebanon: Schools Discriminate Against Children with Disabilities (May 2024).