Respiratory health in the Spanish child

Respiratory health in the Spanish child It is a study conducted by a group of specialists in children's health to determine the degree of incidence of asthma in children and the control over the disease. The experts of the Vall d'Hebrón Hospital (Barcelona) studied 4,000 children aged between 6 months and 2 years belonging to various Spanish communities, the results shown indicate the precarious control over childhood asthma.

Up to 33% of children showed asthmatic signs and although this figure would be markedly reduced as the child develops, up to 10% of them would suffer from the disease in the future. The results of the study show that up to 25% of children who are affected by asthma do not receive adequate control to improve their quality of life, respiratory crises and problems arising from this disease are not avoided. Pollution, food, allergens ... there are many factors that affect asthma is a growing disease, to this we must add, for example, the fear of some parents, something that hinders the therapies that should be performed against disease. According to the research carried out, up to 98% of the children subjected to the study suffered a respiratory crisis, something that shows the need to raise awareness about the disease, its control and its treatment.

Parents with asthmatic children should be careful, they should not only make regular visits to health centers or properly administer medical treatment, tobacco smoke, very fragrant cleaning products or environmental humidity in the home, are some of the factors that decrease the well-being of the child.

Health specialists are the great allies that parents have to fight against childhood asthma, so it is necessary to comply with the recommendations they propose, the quality of life of children depends on it.

Video: ECHO. Asthma and Respiratory Diseases. Spanish (May 2024).