I Ecological Festival of Children in Bioculture 2007

Yesterday began a new edition of BioCultura 2007 that, during this weekend, is celebrated in the Crystal pavilion of the Casa de Campo in Madrid. It is a fair in which you can know all the products that are related to the production systems that respect the environment. For parents it is a good option to go this weekend to know some of the quality foods offered there, but it will also be very interesting for children from 3 to 12 years.

In this edition of BioCultura an interesting bet for children has been prepared, Professor Rotts (roots) will provide the children with some of the keys to understand why organic farming, responsible consumption, respect for the environment is beneficial, etc. Many questions will be answered by this biodiversity animator. Promoting among children all those values ​​that improve their lifestyle and the planet in which they live is necessary and more with the current panorama of climate change and the large amount of food that is contaminated as a result of industrial production. To enter the children in this world, various bets have been prepared such as I Ecological Festival of Children.

In it, children will not only be able to learn with Professor Rotts, they will also be able to play detectives, looking for food-contaminating products, they can ride in ecobicis or enter the world of agriculture by participating in the creation of an organic garden. Parents can meet various organic products for children offered by the sample, organic sweets, biodegradable diapers ... in short, BioCultura will be a good offer for this weekend.