Seven symptoms to detect severe complications in the newborn

The first week of the baby's life can reveal very important data that would allow us to diagnose some severe diseases with fatal outcome in babies. According to statistics provided in the study of the electronic magazine The Lancet, four million babies die each year during their first 28 days of life, 75% of these deaths occur during the first week of life.

Obviously, most deaths usually occur in underdeveloped countries where this type of diagnosis is not contemplated when babies are born. The identification of seven clinical symptoms It would allow the detection of possible complications in time and adequate care for newborns. According to experts, infant mortality rates would be significantly reduced. Symptoms that expose the possible risks are the complications of feeding, that the baby only moves when it is stimulated, that the body temperature is below 35.5 º C or above 37.5 º C, which suffer from seizures, a breathing rate that equals or exceeds 60 breaths per minute or a severe sternum retraction.

It would be interesting if this diagnostic method was implemented in all underdeveloped countries whose incidence of infant death is significantly high. Although it would also be necessary to provide adequate means and knowledge. In developed countries the situation is different, in addition to the general diagnosis of these symptoms, thorough controls are performed on newborns that allow to know the state of health in which they are.