Half of the babies born today will reach 100 years old

Well, it is a joy to know that our children will have a century to enjoy life.

This is what experts at the international symposium have affirmed 'Scientific advances in the prevention and treatment of aging' which was held this week in Madrid.

In addition to being good news that current life expectations have increased, it is also a call for parents to reflect on the way of life that we have to instill in our children from the cradle so that they are healthy adults and age in the best conditions.

I know that we have fleas of a few years and it is hard to imagine them as old people, but it is an exercise that we have to do to become aware of the importance of having an adequate diet and motivating them to exercise today so that tomorrow they are healthy mature .

If we use our little ones that good habits are essential to lead a healthy life, we are programming them to adopt that way of life for their entire lives, which apparently will be quite long.

On the subject of old age, yesterday I was impressed by a report that I have seen in the news about aging in pairs of twins. They have conducted a study that reveals that of two twins, that is brothers who share the same genes, the one who had not exercised in his life had cells up to 10 years older than his brother's.

Surprising, right? For there lies in large part that today's babies are jovial people in the future and that they live with health the wonderful 100 years that remain.