Mamiconcilia: conciliation experiences of women managers

How does a woman manager to reconcile her professional life with her family life? How is it organized? Where does he get the time? These are questions that I often ask myself ...

To make known the testimonies of these mothers, authentic jugglers of conciliation, was born #mamiconcilia, an e-book with experiences of conciliation of women managers It can be downloaded for free.

The creator of the project is Use Madinaveitia Herrera, mother of a 5-month-old baby, with 3 years as a manager and 4 as responsible reporting to the partners. Use has lived in his own skin the anguish of feeling that you should choose between your child and your career. The balance leaned towards the most important, first, and decided to contact other women who have gone through the same to create this collaborative book.

Mamiconcilia collect personal reconciliation experiences of 28 women managers mainly from the field of communication, advertising and marketing. It is a particularly demanding sector, which is said to have a "flexible schedule" because it is known when it starts but never when it ends.

But the project grew more than planned and became a compilation of the most varied stories: a mother of twins, a pair of single mothers with adopted Hindu children, two women who gave up having children because they were very focused on their career , a daughter who has to reconcile to take care of her mother with cancer, a grandmother who asks for a 75% reduction in working hours to take care of her daughter and her newborn granddaughter living in Berlin ... and even the husband of a woman manager , who is a writer, works at home and takes care of girls.

He e-book can be downloaded for free After sharing it on social networks in this link. I've done. I liked it a lot and it helped me to better understand women managers, as heroin as all mothers, but certainly with a very special merit.