Three dogs save a baby in India. Animals more "human" than infanticides

Lately from India we only brought news about genetic malformations such as the girl with 4 arms and 4 legs (a case of Siamese twins) or with 2 faces. But this time, this country gives us one of those news that has a double bottom: 3 stray dogs (not those perfectly trained for rescue) save a newborn baby buried in the mud. That is, dogs have been more human, supportive and ethical than their miserable parents.

Female infanticideAlthough illegal, it is an extended practice because boys are traditionally preferred to girls as family supporters, who must pay strong dowries to marry their daughters. The United Nations says that about 2,000 fetuses of girls are illegally aborted every day in India, and there are those that areremoved after birth, that's why baby cribs were organized in some places.

Here we have already denounced this fact because it is one of the great tragedies of Humanity and that will take its toll for the geographical imbalance it produces and for the infinite pain.

But today the post is dedicated to these 3 anonymous heroes. It happened in the state of Bihar and the dogs removed the earth when they noticed the presence of a living being, began to bark and the girl began to cry. This made the neighbors come to his aid. The baby has already been adopted by a couple and the parents are being searched by the police.

I hope someone also adopts those dogs to have a better life.

Using Hindu terminology: in this story it is clear who deserves karma (punishment) and who dharma (prize).

Video: You Won't Believe This DOG Saves This BABY! (July 2024).