Olympic dreams: the other side of the medal (video)

It is well known that athletes have to make great efforts to achieve results, especially elite athletes. Many of them they are trained from a very young age, usually bypassing his studies in the search for a better preparation or a record incompatible with them.

This is more pronounced in sports such as gymnastics at which the age at which a gymnast is considered "older" is relatively low. Therefore the preparation begins when they are quite small and the methods to work with young children, often, exceed the limits of abuse (At least we can see that in the video).

A few days ago it was aired on La2, in DocumentsTV, the documentary Olympic Dreams, which shows the methods used in China. The video of the post is a summary of about 15 minutes of a documentary that lasts 45 minutes. I have preferred to put this summary as it is enough sample to observe how they treat children and what educational methods they use to train them.


Already at the beginning of the video the narrator says "Chinese children give up their childhood for their dream of Olympic gold". However, my feeling is that the phrase should be "the parents of Chinese children they make them give up their childhood… "

I find it hard to believe that a Chinese child enjoys spending most of his childhood hours training hard and receiving similar reprimandsAnd even when I enjoy it, I find it hard to believe that your choice was to be so many hours, whether in the kindergarten or at home, training.

In one of the sequences of the video the mother of one of the children says that she does not ask for anything for her, she only prays for her son. In his prayers, however, he begins by asking his son to succeed, to go far as a gymnast and then asks the child to give him "less headaches" (who accepts to be what he does not want to be) and the blessing of his family since the child is his only hope to have "a glorious future".

In that prayer he invites the child to pray with her to achieve that goal, however, the child refuses to pray and receives a "damn kid" of his mother.

This child, that in the video we can see that "cry a lot" (in the words of his mother), he has the enormous responsibility of living as his parents have decided to live and fight for a dream he does not seem to have.

Doing in life what your parents have planned for you is something that happens in China, in Spain and in many places around the world. Continue with the family business, be a doctor as was the father and grandfather, study what parents never could but did want ...

The difference with what we see in the video is that these children are the only hope of prospering that the family has, and for that they make them carry a life and a future that they may not want and what is worse, with some training methods that will mark his character, his self-esteem and his self-confidence forever. And not for good, precisely.

Video | Tu.tv via ProgramsTvOnline More information | RTVE In Babies and more | Child stress could damage the brain | Excessive sport or training in children is harmful

Video: Olympic Dream Realized: Ryan Murphy's Letter About Being an Olympic Gold Medal Winner (July 2024).