support for the death of a baby

In Babies and more we celebrate life talking day after day of pregnancy and the birth of the baby, but the harsh reality shows that the death of a child is a misfortune that touches many parents.

With the intention of providing information and support for parents whose baby was born dead or died shortly after birthJuan and Jillian created after losing their daughter Uma.

They give practical advice on how to act in the hospital, how to face the arrival home with empty arms, how to handle the situation when you have other children and other painful but very useful recommendations of those who have gone through it.

They also intend that perinatal and neonatal death cease to be a taboo subject, that the treatment of parents who have just lost a child be humanized and that their baby can be registered with their name.

On the web you can also find interesting articles about medical and scientific advances on perinatal and neonatal death, because in addition to parents, they want to reach the health professionals involved with the idea of ​​raising awareness about the issue.

I thought it was a great website, created from the depths of the heart by parents who pretend to find meaning in the death of their daughter.

From here, I want to express my admiration to parents who have lived a traumatic experience and draw strength from where they have them to give themselves to others and to fight to change things that are not right.

Official site | In Babies and more | Forum "Overcoming an abortion", Holy, always in the heart

Video: UMAMANITA (May 2024).