The myth of "bad habit"

It is very common to hear that the baby becomes ill-used if we take it too much in his arms, if he sleeps in bed with the parents, because he is paid attention when he cries in the crib or “at first” who claims us for anything. It is said as if the child were going to take a terrible vice that will do him serious harm. And anything farter from the reality.

There is nothing better for the baby than being caught in the arms, sleeping with his parents or being treated when he needs us. It is not a whim but a need of the child of love, arms, warmth and love, essential ingredients for the baby to acquire security and emotional strength. Of course, you can't believe that is bad. Quite the opposite.

It would be good banish the famous myth of poor manners in parenting. That of believing that if the parents “give in” to the demands of their children there is no turning back, that if they ever agree, because they feel the need to take their crying child in their arms, they spoil everything .

The natural thing is that the child cries because they need their parents and the parents will comfort him. The natural thing is that the newborn is in contact with his mother as many hours a day as possible, even when he sleeps. The natural thing is that the parents attend to the needs of their baby without conditions, even that of affection, even at night. There is no more trick than that.

Stories are created as if “we give in” the child is deprogrammed to do what he owes and other myths that leave nothing but a sense of guilt in the parents and suffering in the little ones.

Once again I advise that in raising children, "these from outside are sticks". Parents should not be afraid of the ghost of such a popular bad habit. I resist thinking that we are doing something wrong to give our baby the love he asks for. Accustom it to caresses, pampering, closeness can never be a bad habit.