Download 100 Christmas carols for free to your computer

The countdown begins so that Christmas comes fully to our homes. One of the most beautiful traditions of these parties is to sing Christmas carols, something that children learn little by little if we dare to sing with them. 100 Christmas carols 2.0 is a free program that we can download to our computer and that offers us more than 100 Christmas carols to set the mood for Christmas.

The carols are in MIDI format, and the program occupies only 1.9 MB. The songs will sound continuously, randomly or manually as we wish. The program is very simple and the interface is concise, with the options of any audio player.

We can use a search engine to find the desired carol, they are from the best known to others less popular: La Marimorena, Fish in the river, Bells of Bethlehem, The drummer, Towards Bethlehem ...

There are Christmas carols in Spanish and also in English, such as "We wish you a merry Christmas" (in different versions) or "Let it snow", more classic, current carols ... Even meringue versions or mix versions for the best known carols. There are also some carols in .kar format, where we can read the text as a Karaoke.

So with this compilation of more than 100 carols offered by this free program We have another fun way to live Christmas with the little ones, combining technology and tradition. A song has been said and ... congratulations, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and the other Christmas!

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