"My dad ... comes looking for me" and what really matters in life

Advertising is an exciting area in which our society is reflected. Sometimes he will do it with more success, sometimes with less, and what may seem good spots to others will go unnoticed. I think that among the first you can place this emotional announcement that we are commenting today and that speaks of what really matters in life.

An ad aimed at male parents, so he will be the main driver. Although in the images the prominence is clearly carried by the children, a group of girls who speak in the park, at the exit of riding class, of what they think is important, which is nothing more than a reflection of what in their house It is important, but also what excites them.

Some phrases are heard completely ("My dad is going to buy me a horse"), others just as fragments, but as significant as "My dad has", "boss of all", "the greatest", "a ship" … Until one of the girls, who seems not to know what to say very well (“My dad…”), sees her father arrive (in the brand new car, of course) to pick her up and she says proudly… she comes looking for me.

Thus, we see that in the face of the material, in the face of the quantifiable, in the face of power ... here the emotional conquers, the relationship between father and daughter which is what really matters in life. You just have to see the little face of envy-awe that the rest of the girls (a little sad, really) put on seeing their friend's dad come to pick her up.

Precisely one of the tricks of the spot is that it is the father who takes care of picking up the girl after riding class (a horse is heard whinny and they go with riding boots), an extra-cheap extracurricular activity, by the way. Although on the other hand it is "normal" that men appear starring in this type of ads, as we have seen lately.

The ad motto "Because you know what really matters in life" He makes clear to whom he wants to “reach” this announcement, those parents (and mothers, who also reach us) who consider that the material as the family is not as important, although the advertised car is not precisely a utility.

This is a car that we could say that is not luxury (like other concepts that appear in the ad: horse, boat) or high standing exclusively for senior executives (there is a girl who speaks of "the boss of all"). Simply for fathers and mothers of upper-middle class. The counterpoint of the recipient who enjoys life without children.

If I had to change something about the ad: I would have loved that the children who appear talking about their important things were not just girls, that there were mixed girls and boys.

But that is another matter, and for the rest, I think it's a beautiful ad that I think It gets many dads and moms excited who also know what really matters in life, and what really matters to our children (or they would care if we gave it to them).

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (June 2024).