Travel guides for children from nine years old

Langenscheidt has presented its 'Travel Guides for Young People' of which two are new this year. It is a collection of travel guides fun, enjoyable, informative and with many activities, especially designed for traveling readers from 9 years. The books include varied hobbies as well as the most important words and phrases in the language of the destination country.

The titles you can access are 'My trip to Paris', to London and to Berlin. The books are written by Lucía Martín e lustrados by Kim Amate, its price is 9.95, and from the previous links you can access a preview of what you will find inside. In addition the publishing house specialized in language teaching promotes a contest, it is about Children choose the guide they like best and write an original rating on Google Play. They give away three travel guides to the three most creative assessments. But to finish the participation you must send an email to [email protected] indicating in the subject 'Contest' and identifying the comment.

Curiosities, places to visit, interesting information and activities to entertain. A very interesting and useful initiative to travel with children to the designated destinations.

Images | Langenscheidt Iberian More information | Langenscheidt Iberian In Peques and More | Sheila R. Melhem of Modernito Books: "Demuseos with GatoBlas travel guides are for children to enjoy", Travel Guides for Children

Video: Stack and Mel buy slingshots for the kids. Travel Guides 2018 (May 2024).