How to celebrate Christmas with children: three plans to do as a family

Christmas is probably the children's favorite time. The little ones may have to wait another year to enjoy it in all its splendor, but surely they already begin to perceive the atmosphere and the lights and colors of the Christmas decorations focus their attention.

If you like Christmas, with children you will like it even more and if you do not have much Christmas spirit, you may decide to make some effort in certain things so that your child shares the illusion of other children.

There are activities that are closely linked to this time of year. and with which children learn part of the family or cultural tradition, they feel partakers of a collective emotion, in addition to performing very fun tasks for them.

Tree, Bethlehem or both?

The placement of the tree and / or Bethlehem is one of the most anticipated moments by the kids. Here at home we do it all together the first weekend of December, although I have to confess that last year we advanced it at the end of November. It is incredible how they participate, attentive to all the details and how they ensure that the figures of the Bethlehem or the garlands are kept in place during all the holidays.

The first years you may have to dispense with ornaments that pose some risk, especially the electric ones, or putting them out of reach. In my case, I had to reduce the dimensions of the tree, because the big one was unstable and clear, all day pulling the branches ... a tiny one, according to its height, is harmless. Too small figures of the Bethlehem also pose a certain risk, so better to take precautions. It is a matter of supervising the assembly and anticipating the danger.

Christmas Children's Park

In many cities Christmas playgrounds are organized with varied activities for children of all ages. Even the little ones can enjoy craft workshops, shows or play areas tailored to their needs.

If you do not have the possibility of accessing these events, during this time of the year the Children's theater, puppets, the visit of characters linked to Christmas and endless activities that you can consult in cultural agendas or institutional pages of your city.

Organize toys

December is a good month to organize the child's room and assess what toys will follow with us some more time, which have not survived our 'caresses' and those that are in perfect condition but for which the child has already lost interest because they belong to an earlier stage of its development, come on, it needs new challenges .

Is a Perfect excuse to donate semi-new toys, throw away the useless and make some space to receive those who adapt to this new stage of our baby. We will see when we make the letter to the Magi, which toys are most appropriate to the age of our son and contribute to develop all areas of his learning.

Three different activities for such a special time ... surely you can think of many more.

In Happy Learning | His first visit to the children's library: the magic of stories

Video: Ben and Hollys Little KingdomCelebrating Christmas with Gaston Cartoons for Kids (July 2024).