Skin changes during pregnancy (video)

When the woman is pregnant she experiences a multitude of changes in her organism that manifest more or less externally. Our largest organ, the skin, is no exception, and during pregnancy the skin undergoes various changes.

As on so many occasions, hormones are behind these changes, but it also greatly influences food and our care, for example. In this video of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra we learn about the changes of the skin in pregnancy, especially about stretch marks or variations in pigmentation, which we are so worried about.

It is Dr. Pilar Gil, a specialist in the Department of Dermatology, who explains the changes that occur in the skin during pregnancy related to various areas.

  • Regarding stretch marks, it indicates that the best treatment is prevention. If used anti-stretch creams, in the morning and at night, the regeneration of collagen fibers and elastic fibers is favored.

  • It also recommends, from the sixth month, apply moisturizers on the nipples and areolas to prepare the skin for breastfeeding.

  • About pigmentation alteration, the black line, chloasma appears and there is a greater tendency to the appearance of moles. It is advisable to use sunscreen. Some of these spots disappear after delivery, but chloasma can last a long time.

  • If you increase hair during pregnancy, it is common for it to disappear after childbirth (especially fine hair).

  • Finally, after pregnancy, hair loss occurs due to labor stress and iron loss. That is why the doctor can advise vitamin complexes.

We remind you that postpartum is a key moment to treat stretch marks and continue to take care of ourselves in everything related to skin and hair.

I hope this video about skin changes during pregnancy clarify some points about it and above all we leave our care tips during pregnancy to have a beautiful skin and hair.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Prevent stretch marks in pregnancy, Treat stretch marks in postpartum, will I have beautiful skin and hair? Care during pregnancy

Video: Skin changes during pregnancy. Dr Dray (July 2024).