'That no child is left without receiving a game or toy': campaign 'Apropa'ns a la il.lusió' of the Red Cross

From Red Cross Youth believe in the game as one of the most useful ways to disseminate any educational and pedagogical proposal, so they invest all their efforts so that no child is left without receiving a game or toy.

Thus, after 20 years, the campaign 'Apropa'ns a la il.lusió' (closer to the illusion) of the Red Cross Catalonia, aims to reach 20,000 children in need.

The growth of poverty among families, has as its ultimate victims children and youth

The organization has detected that 46.8% of the families that attend can not afford toys to use outdoors, and 13.1% cannot buy games to play indoors.

Through the campaign website you can find out about the related activities, the collection points and the proposed criteria and objectives. This year, links to social networks have been integrated so that participants can share news and experiences about the operation of the action.

According to the Red Cross Youth, there is a relationship between the game and the personality of the people, since all recreational activity creates a character. Free time for the personal growth of the child is very important.

However, according to UNICEF data, the time of less frequent activities among the children of the Spanish State are those of leisure, carried out in 17.8% of the children. And when talking about families in situations of social vulnerability, 8.8% of family groups served by the Red Cross Catalonia mention that toys (along with food and clothing) they are basic necessities for your children. This situation obviously occurs, because these children cannot enjoy games with toys.

A total of 45,000 toys are expected to be collected until January 4. We wish the organization many successes with its campaign, which translated would be, that the most needy children can also receive their toys ...