Does it cover breastfeeding to breastfeed your baby, yes or no?

Among the articles that have become fashionable for recent moms we find the breastfeeding. It is a kind of handkerchief, apron or poncho (there are different models) that is worn over the clothes and completely or almost completely cover the baby when breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is a natural act and no one should be horrified by it. But there are mothers who prefer to create a more intimate environment when breastfeeding in public and choose to cover themselves with a breastfeeding cover or any similar garment.

In favor of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an intimate act between mother and baby, and it is completely understandable that a woman don't feel at ease half undressing to breastfeed. For them, a breastfeeding cover may be a solution. The end is that you feel comfortable and that the baby is fed without stress, wherever they are.

For their part, there are children who are very restless when breastfeeding and being in a public place may be more easily distracted. In those cases, the mother prefers to visually isolate him from the environment so that he "concentrates" better.

Some children have fun playing with the nipple, they eat for a little while ... In those cases it is also understandable that the mother feels shame with her bare chest until the child decides to eat and prefers to cover herself.

Against breastfeeding cover

Covering yourself when breastfeeding your child is a very personal choice, and as such it is not debatable. Everyone does what he wants.

But if we talk about "cons" of this article, we can say that it is one of the many baby items that we can do without. There are very cute and created especially for the occasion, but you can cover yourself with a blanket or any other similar garment for the same purpose. That is, without spending money.

Another of the cons, which generates more controversy, is that it can be seen as a form of hide when you breastfeed in public. If the mother uses it for shame, because she feels more comfortable covering herself, great. If you use it to not disturb others for what they may think or say, not so great.

You have to get out of the head that breastfeeding in public can annoy others. It is a normal and natural act that the mother and the baby have the right to do wherever they want.

I breastfed my daughters in public anywhere and I did it in a very discreet way. I don't think you even noticed that I was breastfeeding, it seemed that I had them in my arms. I do not like to teach, so it depends on the clothes I had, if it looked a lot, I covered a little with a blanket or a gauze.

What do you think of the breastfeedingDo you think they are necessary? Have you used them to breastfeed your baby?