Halloween edible monsters

Today's recipe almost has more of manual work than cooking, but whatever it is I assure you that preparing these edible Halloween monsters, you will get two things. A delicious and fun dish to eat, and spend a good time enjoying with the little ones.

Of course, I hope that your people come out a little more beautiful or that your helpers have more taste than those who threw me a cable with the crafts that as you see, have been a little "monstrous", although in this case it does not hurt. The recipe of these edible monsters is based on the Tentacle Pot Feet from Megan Reardon who has many ideas for Halloween.

Ingredients for three monsters

  • For the filling: Any stew that you like, some potatoes with meat or better the leftovers of any dish, such as the chicken stewed as the potitos but of older than we did the other day.
  • For coverage: 5 wafers of empanadillas or a plate of puff pastry and chocolates for decoration

How to make Halloween edible monsters

To prepare the monsters we will need some ceramic molds that can be baked. These cylindrical shape ideal for souffles and other dishes are called ramequines. The white ones can be found in stores around one hundred without difficulty and of course in kitchenware stores.

At the bottom of each ramequin we place a small amount of the stew, without filling it completely, and while we preheat the oven to 190º. We heat the stew so that it is not cold because the legs of our monsters will brown in five minutes in the oven and it would not be enough time to heat the stew that contains the monster.

With a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, we cut two wafers into strips that will be the tentacles of the monsters. We put 8 legs on each monster and then cut a cover that covers and hides them, which will be the face of the monster. Once we have the three monsters ready, we put them in the oven, watching so that our legs are not burned, which will be in approximately five minutes.

We take out of the oven and decorate quickly making our eyes with chocolate balls or with olive rings or let our imagination fly. Children can help you decorate or decide where they put their eyes, etc., but with Be careful not to burn.

Processing time | 10 minutes Difficulty | Easy


These edible Halloween monsters They are very fun to eat because the monster itself is the bread with which we will accompany the content that hides inside. If you have a good pulse and taste when decorating you can make many versions of these monsters, which can be done in advance and reheat in the microwave.

Video: Last Minute Halloween Treats. Halloween Recipes. DIY Easy Halloween Treats by So Yummy (July 2024).