Breastfeeding does not prevent asthma in children with asthmatic mothers

A group of researchers has released a recent investigation whose conclusion alters the landscape of breastfeeding. According to experts, breastfeeding protects the baby so that in the future he does not develop asthma as long as the mother does not suffer from this disease.

Apparently, the follow-ups performed in infants with asthmatic mothers show that even lung functions in them are reduced as they grow. This is for the moment the only exception that shows that breast milk does not produce the beneficial effect that one would expect. To reach this conclusion, 1,246 healthy babies were followed up until they reached adolescence, some of them were children of mothers suffering from asthma. The children were subjected to various tests to know their lung capacity, the air flow they presented, etc., those who were breastfed with healthy mothers did not show any lung deficiency, those breastfed by asthmatic mothers showed, among others, a significant reduction in Air circulation through your lungs.

This result, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, shuffles some possible explanations, among them, the most accepted is the possibility that certain breast milk compounds that favor lung development, are altered in the asthmatic mothers This does not mean that asthmatic mothers should not breastfeed their children, since there are many specific nutrients that contribute to develop other functions of the baby, just have to take a look at the news related to breastfeeding published in Babies and more to realize it.

This is not good news, but even the researchers themselves indicate that more studies are necessary, as we always say, we must wait for the scientific consensus to ensure a discovery, we will wait to know new results.

Video: Breast milk is 'no better for a baby than bottled milk' - and it INCREASES the risk of asthma. (July 2024).