Puppets or people? The child's drawing is related to his intelligence

We love the drawings of our children, from the first doodles to later "works of art." But, Did you know that the way people draw could be related to the child's intelligence?

The way in which a four-year-old child draws another, his ability to capture it on paper, is an indicator of intelligence in the future, specifically at 14, according to a study published recently.

In the latest issue of the Journal Psychological Science, scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London compare the drawings made by children at age four (pairs of identical and non-identical twins) and their IQ ten years later.

These are more than 15,500 children from the Early Twins Development Study conducted by the Medical Research Center. It is concluded that genes play an essential role in the relationship found between early drawing ability and intelligence levels developed later.

But what were the drawings that indicated more intelligence later? For those in which the figures seemed more human, that is, those more realistic. Drawings in which more features represented: head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, body, arms ...

However, it is a moderate relationship and the study authors point out that you do not have to worry about your intelligence if children draw "badly". Nor does drawing (or learn to draw) determine intelligence, in whose development multiple factors influence.

Another interesting fact contributed by this study is that it has been proven that the drawings of identical twins were more similar than those of the other children. This suggests that the ability to draw or make representations has a strong genetic component. So, you know who your child has inherited his way of drawing ...

With the passage of time they learn to draw in a more detailed way as it is logical, since psychomotor development develops, although you may have an artist like Picasso and still prefer unrealistic art ... On the other hand it is worth asking, is realism at odds with the imagination? A child with a great extreme imagination will not opt ​​for unrealistic drawings?

In any case, It is interesting that the way children draw as children relates in some way to their intelligence. Representing the other is an exclusively human capacity, but do not worry if your children draw stick figures more than people ...