Physical exercise improves brain function in children

Practicing exercise is not only good for the physical development of the little ones, but it is also good for their brain development. A new study published by Pediatrics magazine confirms that physical exercise improves brain function in children.

There is no doubt that exercise is the best medicine that exists, even for our brain since practicing at least one hour of exercise a day improves concentration, memory and cognitive flexibility.

The study was conducted with 221 children between 7 and 9 years of age who were subjected for a full school period, nine months, to the practice of 60 minutes daily of exercise at the end of the school day.

When checking the results, the researchers were able to verify a significant improvement in cognitive performance and brain health with respect to children who had not performed physical activity.

They observed a greater capacity to block distraction and maintain better attention on tasks, an improvement in memorization and greater cognitive flexibility to alternate between different tasks.

The greater the attendance to the exercise program, the greater the improvement in children's brain function.

Physical exercise is very important at any stage of life, but it is especially in childhood when children are in full physical and mental development. And of course it is something that we have to transmit parents through healthy lifestyle habits, but mainly through the example.

Video: BrainWorks: Exercise and the Brain (July 2024).