A woman publishes a photo breastfeeding at graduation to motivate mothers to study

This photo you see here is going around the world. For whatever reason, breastfeeding a baby with graduation clothes is something that attracts attention and not only has become viral, but in addition to much support, the woman has received many criticisms (it never rains to everyone's taste ).

There will come a day when this photo is as normal as that of a newly graduated woman without a baby and people will not share it because they will not see anything amazing or anything to criticize, but that day has not arrived and this woman has explained that He wanted to make it public to motivate mothers to study.

Not your first baby

So at first glance it seems a young mother who has gotten pregnant without wanting while studying (or that is at least the trial that I carried out when seeing the photo without knowing the story), but no, the story is not that. She is Jacci Sharkey, she is 24 years old, and in the picture she is breastfeeding her son, by then six weeks, named Alek. But not his first child. Alek has a 20-month-old brother, Ari, who was also born while she was studying. Come on, who went to study at the university without being a mother and upon graduation, three and a half years later, is already the mother of two children.

The photo was taken by those responsible for the University of the Costa del Sol, where she studied, and had no problem in making it public because she thought that the message she sent to the mothers in this way was very powerful: I could graduate as a mother, maybe you would want to try too.

For this, he confesses that at the university they helped him a lot to make his double motherhood possible and to combine both things and he is tremendously grateful for it.

Disparate reactions to the photo

As usual, a photo of a woman breastfeeding generates opinions of all kinds. Many women have sent their support and admiration to Jacci, and Many people have criticized that they have made public what they believe should be a private moment. Others suggest the use of a cloth or blanket that covers the baby, as if it does not exist (is the problem the baby or is the breast?) And, as always, there are those who compare the natural of breastfeeding with the natural of urinating or defecating, acts that are not done in public (normally).

Can you be a mother and study?

Entering to value the message that this mother leaves us, say that being a mother yes, other things can be done, of course. Likewise, people believe that when a mother is a mother, her life is over and she depends solely and exclusively on her baby until she leaves home at age 35 (it must be the age at which a person currently finds a job with a salary that let you rent a flat). No, this is not so. It is true that having a baby consumes much of the hours a day has, but it is also true that currently there are many facilities to make a career in a longer period of time, enrolling in a few subjects at a time.

This, of course, if a woman's desire is to study at that time. If not, there will always be time to do it when the baby is already a child and goes to school (or never, that should be the desire of each and the interests do not have to be common), for example, that this is not a matter of seeing which woman is more super-woman and which one gets more titles, works more or does more things besides raising her children.

Via and Photo | Daily Mail
In Babies and more | The dangers of not regulating the right to breastfeeding in public, Newborns should take their first shots in the hospital washbasin, Thirteen beautiful images that claim breastfeeding in public

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