Empathy in children: with two years he gets excited watching cartoons about a lost penguin baby

It is amazing the empathy capacity You can have a small child, much more pure and sincere than most adults. I couldn't help but get excited by seeing this adorable girl Two year old girl who gets excited watching cartoons about a lost penguin baby.

Raegan was recorded by his mother when he was in the car watching cartoons in which Alvin's Chipettes and the Chipmunks take care of a little penguin that has been lost from his parents.

Around the age of two, children begin to experience empathy, that is, the ability to tune in emotionally with others, based on self-awareness. Before that age, children often cry when another child cries or feel distressed when another child is hurt, they are even able to distinguish feelings in the mother through the gestures of his face.

What Raegan, the girl in the video, is experiencing is empathic anguish. He feels sorry for the misfortune of the lost little penguin. She sees her mother crying and the baby sad because she misses her and she also feels sad.

My daughters are tremendously emotional and their tears easily escape with any film that mobilizes them. I eat them with kisses and I feel grateful that they are so sensitive, just like this girl.

Of course, I would not have endured with the camera in hand without giving it a slap.

Video: Emotional Toddler: My compassionate young daughter gets adorably emotional (May 2024).