Talk with children every day and make a family meal can improve school performance

The State School Board has submitted a report called “The participation of families in school education (Looking to the future)”, based on which they make a series of recommendations to families, with the aim of influencing the quality of school life and its results. Both academic and proper educational terms are taken into account, and the improvement of the relationship (family / school is considered an educational challenge).

The report is much broader, and you can consult it here; paraphrasing the introduction of the work, it goes on to say that “family participation in a modern sense is taken into account, as a synonym for parental involvement that can manifest itself in different ways and be exercised with different intensity”.

It is not that they have discovered the Americas, since - perhaps in another way, but saying the same thing - the OECD technicians had done the same; In addition, in our country we have very trained and (also very) involved professionals, such as Óscar González, for whom improving the Family and School relationship is a daily goal to meet.

But of course, any action that serves to guide fathers and mothers, in the academic training of our children: increasingly with more demands, and on the other hand so far from the reality of Education in other countries that do put as a center from processes to children; As I say any initiative in that regard is welcome. Welcome whenever we talk about stimulating collaboration, and providing support who needs it most: children, and by extension their families, who are raising and educating future generations.

We go with that report

It is an empirical basis that motivates to address the recommendations made, such as every day we should strive to talk and make a main meal together regularly (As minimum). It turns out that these family habits do not necessarily depend on the socioeconomic or cultural level, but they are very effective. There is therefore no need to neglect them, as their apparent simplicity facilitates commissioning.

In the section you will read below, the relationship (sometimes complicated between families and schools) is introduced. I quote verbatim: "Communication between families and teachers is a sign not only of quality, but also of educational coherence. Dialogue between the two is essential if complementary educational interventions are sought that are committed to the same person project. Only in this way the students you will perceive what is really important in your life. Therefore, dialogue should not be limited to early ages or focus exclusively on transmitting information from one actor to another. "

It becomes increasingly necessary for communication to flow between them

In the report there is also a recommendation to the AMPAs to organize training activities, which is very good, the truth (I sweeping for home, which I dedicate myself to these things); but without losing sight of the fact that (please) parents do not need to be taught or that someone who seems more "wise" to come and tell us this or that. We need to learn especially based on interaction with other parents like us, and from the hand of someone who guides us and helps us solve everyday problems.

From families with school children, and academic achievements

The element of parental involvement with the greatest impact is the feeling of family belonging to the school, and you should pay attention starting with a thoughtful choice of center (meditated and possible within the circumstances), and subsequently by a certain implication in the educational project.

There is something I agree with: as part of the families' convictions, there must be a high academic aspiration for children, not for the little ones to feel excessively pressured, but to provide them with the bases that help them obtain good results; always taking into account (and this in practice the school does not take it into account, although the family must count on it) that children are not dies, but people with varied and different interests and concerns.

The work also talks about how families should contribute to the generation of this climate through attitudes of consideration towards teachers, as well as having the will to assume common educational objectives and with the purpose of reaching agreements. This involves sharing information, responsibilities, decisions and results. I understand the clarification regarding attitudes towards teachers, because today, there is some confusion of roles, which leads us to demand from others what we are unable to fulfill; However, it is worth mentioning that the attitude of consideration must be reciprocal.

The tendency to decrease parental participation is noticeable when students reach ESO, but at this stage, the impact on school performance is greater. Therefore, it is advisable to adapt the forms of participation, without thereby “moving away” from the children's processes.

As you can see, the proposals are simple, and also easy to put into operation, unless in the particular case of any family. the (not) conciliation makes difficult those small family gatherings that make children so good, and so much information they give to parents. For the rest, any parent (yes?) Likes to have breakfast, lunch and dinner (or all three) with the children, another thing is what when we face up to reality we can do. And we would also like to go to school more, to be able to go the day that the teacher asks us to, or to be the ones who ask for an appointment, or to attend a talk organized by the AMPA (in which we get more benefit from the exchange of experiences , that for the subject treated), but is it possible in many cases?

I, right now in which the mother or father who wishes to be involved, knowing the benefits that the academic path of the children has, they have strong arguments, and opinions in favor of that decision (it is not that we need experts in this regard, but hey ...).

As I said, right now, it is in which someone (with the capacity to influence) must appear who says yes, that all that is very good, but let's see if we go on, and we make some changes (from the big ones) to get a real reconciliation. Because what we have - subscribing to the words of Carolina del Olmo - is nothing more than a tease. And what is at stake are many things, and not only the academic performance of children, but also their general well-being.

Images | Ali Edwards, mosaic36
More information | State School Council
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