What kind of mother are you? A funny video shows us the extremes

What kind of mother are you? Are you one of those who are constantly watching your baby, eliminating any risk? Or are you perhaps the one who takes it more calmly and is it clear that babies are very capable of getting ahead? Are you one of those who disinfects any surface on which your baby is going to be or are you one of those who let them suck what they just took from the ground?

There are many types of mother in terms of hygiene and protection of children, there are those who dedicate 24 hours to the child and there are those who do not feel that need to be so protective. If we go to extremes, we can see the exaggerated and we can see the most left, and this is what we have tried to reflect In the following humor video, the extremes. Two mothers with their two babies behaving completely different. Which one are you?

I hope you tell me that you are neither. The brunette, because she is in a sickly extreme of control and protection of her baby, the blonde, because although she lives motherhood very calmly, she goes carefree.

Obviously, the objective of the video is to show us the two extremes so that we can find a balance between that medium, that point where we care about our children, but without reaching the point of avoiding all the evils, or rather, avoiding evils that They don't even exist. Disinfect the environment? A cushion for the park? A helmet? It is clear that a baby in a park can be harmed, because that's what parents are for, be careful while they are still small and they run the risk of harming themselves.

Once they grow they gain confidence, skill, and the risk is much less. Then we can sit and we can give you total freedom to explore, climb, lower, run and play freely. Of course, without taking their eyes off, or at least controlling the movements from time to time so as not to lose them. It does not usually happen, but on more than one occasion I have seen a mother or father in a park calling her son without success and, honestly, it is a scene that I never want to live.

With regard to hygiene, because the same thing, we already know that an excess of hygiene, contrary to what may seem logical (that more hygiene better health) is counterproductive, so if you drop the stuffed animal, it will You give again and go. If it stains in the park, if it touches the sand, if it puts its hand in its mouth… it is cleaned and something else. Do not call emergency running!

I don't know, it's hard to define what types of mothers and fathers there are, because there are many types according to the way of being and the character of each, just as you change over time. The father I was with my first child differs greatly from the father I am now. Watching the video you could even say that the brunette is a mother for the first time (exaggerated, of course, but a first-time mother) and the blonde is taking care of her third or fourth child, when you have already lost your fear of many things and you are clear that they are more capable than we think (well, maybe it's the sixth child, that I see her too carefree). Are you more like the brunette or more like the blonde? Or do you look nothing like either?

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