Dads and moms blogs: homemade clay, tips you didn't ask for and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with Mom cow, where LadyA teaches us to make homemade plasticine in various colors and with the added that, if our son puts a bite, nothing happens, because it is also edible.

In My virtual shelter We have seen several examples of magical corners for the little ones, something like the rest of the warrior, or the point where the activity happens in their little brains. Great places to read and be calm.

In A witch and her two toads This mom tells us about the advice you do not ask but you have to listen for the mere fact of being pregnant in an extensive classification of people who give them to you.

In A pacifier for mom Esther invites us to a coffee and in the meantime tells us how her week has gone, with her gynecological visits, her glucose curve and a 4D ultrasound of Irati.

In Being a mother, an adventure! Madreaventura tells us about her little girl, who will soon be medium, who with 18 months is already a very independent girl with a strong personality. Come on, it looks like it will be a medium book.

In Be an educator today Bea, mother and educator, criticizes the educational currents that warn that praise can become dangerous, looking for that point where you can give your opinion and reinforce what your child does well without applauding for everything.

To finish, in Neither blog nor blog One of the authors of the blog has dedicated an entry to her mother. Short, concise, and with a photo with her and her sister that says a lot.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.